Data File Attributes

The following are the field and record definitions for the data files used in the VSAM ESM file directory, and their corresponding YAML configuration names.


Data File Attribute Name YAML Configuration Equivalent Character Limit Integer Digit Limit Notes
user-name UserId 8 N/A
long-name AltId 100 N/A
user-allowed-logon AllowLogon 1 N/A Single character Y or N boolean flag.
user-description Description 100 N/A
user-custom-text CustomText 100 N/A
user-expire-date ExpirationDate 17 N/A ISO8601 date-time string
user-default-group DefaultGroup 8 N/A
user-password Verifier 108 N/A
user-password-expire-date ExpirationDate 17 N/A ISO8601 date-time string
user-password-change MustChange 1 N/A Single character Y or N boolean flag.
user-create-token CreateToken 4 N/A
user-use-token UseToken 4 N/A
user-last-logon-time LastLoginTime 17 N/A ISO8601 date-time string
user-logon-attempts LoginAttempts N/A 4
user-audit Audit 1 N/A Single character Y or N boolean flag.
user-mto-priority Priority N/A 4
user-mto-timeout Timeout N/A 4
user-mto-operator-class OperatorClass N/A 4
user-mto-operator-id OperatorID 3 N/A
user-mto-group-prefix GroupPrefix 8 N/A


Data File Attribute Name YAML Configuration Equivalent Character Limit Integer Digit Limit Notes
user-id UserId 8 N/A
password-history-value An element in the History sequence 126 N/A


Data File Attribute Name YAML Configuration Equivalent Character Limit Integer Digit Limit Notes
group-name GroupId 8 N/A
group-description Description 100 N/A
group-custom-text CustomText 100 N/A
group-audit Audit 1 N/A Single character Y or N boolean flag.


Data File Attribute Name YAML Configuration Equivalent Character Limit Integer Digit Limit Notes
membership-group-id GroupId 8 N/A
membership-member-id An element in the Member sequence 8 N/A
membership-group-ind CustomText 1 N/A Single character Y if the member id corresponds to a group, OR N if the member id corresponds to a user.


Data File Attribute Name YAML Configuration Equivalent Character Limit Integer Digit Limit Notes
class-name ClassID 44 N/A
class-description Description 100 N/A
class-custom-text CustomText 100 N/A


Data File Attribute Name YAML Configuration Equivalent Character Limit Integer Digit Limit Notes
resource-name RuleID 1000 N/A
resource-description Description 100 N/A
resource-custom-text CustomText 100 N/A
resource-audit Audit 1 N/A Single character Y or N boolean flag.


Data File Attribute Name YAML Configuration Equivalent Character Limit Integer Digit Limit Notes
ace-id N/A N/A 8 Not end user defined.
resource-id RuleID 8 N/A
actor-name substring of an entry in ACEs sequence 8 N/A Single character Y or N boolean flag.
ace-group-ind substring of an entry in ACEs sequence 1 N/A Single character Y or N boolean flag.
ace-type substring of an entry in ACEs sequence 5 N/A Either ALLOW or DENY .
ace-perm substring of an entry in ACEs sequence 80 N/A
Security Data files can be edited with Micro Focus Data File Tools. See the file definitions below:
Note: The level-88 items specify valid values for some fields.
fd users.
01 user-rec. *>502
  05 user-name pic x(8).
  05 long-name pic x(100).
  05 user-allowed-logon pic x.
    88 is-allowed-logon value "Y" false "N".
  05 user-description pic x(100).
  05 user-custom-text pic x(100).
  05 user-expire-date pic x(17).
  05 user-default-group pic x(8).
  05 user-password pic x(108).
  05 user-password-expire-date pic x(17).
  05 user-password-change pic x.
    88 is-password-change-required value "Y" false "N".
  05 user-last-password-change-time pic x(17).
  05 user-create-token pic x(4).
  05 user-use-token pic x(4).
  05 user-last-logon-time pic x(17).
  05 user-logon-attempts pic x(4) comp-x.
  05 user-audit pic x.
    88 is-audit value "Y" false "N".
  05 user-mto-priority          pic x(4) comp-x.
  05 user-mto-timeout           pic x(4) comp-x.
  05 user-mto-operator-class    pic x(4) comp-x.
  05 user-mto-operator-id pic x(3).
  05 user-mto-group-prefix pic x(8).

fd password-historys.
01 password-history-rec.
  05 password-history-key.
    10 password-history-value pic x(126).
    10 user-id pic x(8).
fd groups.
01 group-rec.
  05 group-name pic x(8).
  05 group-description pic x(100).
  05 group-custom-text pic x(100).
  05 group-audit pic x.
    88 is-audit value "Y" false "N".

fd memberships.
01 membership-rec.
  05 membership-key.
    10 membership-group-id pic x(8).
    10 membership-member-id pic x(8).
    10 membership-group-ind pic x.
      88 is-group value "Y".
fd classes.
01 class-rec.
  05 class-name pic x(44).
  05 class-description pic x(100).
  05 class-custom-text pic x(100).

fd resources.
01 resource-rec.
  05 resource-name pic x(1000).
  05 resource-description pic x(100).
  05 resource-custom-text pic x(100).
  05 resource-audit pic x.
    88 is-audit value "Y" false "N".

fd aces.
01 ace-rec.
  05 ace-id pic x(8) comp-x.
  05 resource-id pic x(1000).
  05 ace-actor.
    10 actor-name pic x(8).
    10 ace-group-ind pic x.
      88 is-group value "Y" false "N".
  05 ace-type pic x(5).
    88 is-allow value "ALLOW" false "DENY ".
  05 ace-perm pic x(80).