The follow messages relate to using the Data File Editor to view or edit data sets when connecting to an enterprise server:
Message | Description |
User does not have sufficient access to perform the operation | The user does not have permission to perform a certain action, such as getting the list of data sets, or modifying them. |
User does not have sufficient access to this dataset's DCB | The user does not have permission to read and write to the data set. |
User and password combination not found | Invalid user or password entered in the Authentication section. |
Please enter a password | This message depends on how the security manager is set up. Some default/common users may not be required to provide passwords; however, other users must specify a password. |
Signon error | This is a generic error for which the cause may not be known. If you receive this error, contact OpenText Support for Micro Focus Products. |
DSN cannot be found | The data set being viewed is no longer available. It may have been deleted or removed from the catalog. |
Dataset has been dequeued by Enterprise Server | The enterprise server has performed a dequeue on the data set and has made it available to other users. This could be for
the following reasons:
Failed to connect to port <port> | The connection is refused at the ESMAC port that you are attempting to connect to. You should make sure that:
Connection refused. Please check the types of connection allowed at <host>:<port> | This error may depend on whether the Use SSL option is enabled or not: the type of connection that you are trying to perform may not be allowed at <host>:<port>. For example, the server socket at <host>:<port> may only allow SSL connections, but you do not have Use SSL checked. |
Could not find host <host>The host which user is trying to connect does not exist | The specified host does not exist. Check the host name specified in the Host field. |
The client level of security does not match that of the server | The server and the client cannot negotiate the desired level of security. A common problem is that, for SSL connections, the encryption algorithm used by the server is not supported by the client. In this is the case, check what version of Java is running on your client machine, and ensure that it supports the encryption algorithm running on the enterprise server. If there is a mismatch, you must update either the client or the server so that they use the same encryption. |
Failed to connect because of bad SSL key | This normally indicates that the configuration of the server or client SSL certificate and private key is incorrect. Check that they have been generated and are configured correctly. |
Failed to connect to <host>:<port> | This is a generic error. If you receive this error, check that the correct details are specified in the Host and ESMAC Port
fields, then ensure that the server is running and the port is listening. Also ensure that any firewall in effect is configured
to allow the type of connection being performed.
If this error persists, contact OpenText Support for Micro Focus Products. |