The most common approach to launching a remote host server required to allow you to create, build and debug a project on a remote host, is to use the daemon process.
This process listens to a particular port for any requests from the Eclipse IDE. When a request is made, the daemon launches a server and assigns the ID of the connecting user, so that any subsequent compiling and debugging processes are run as this user.
To start the daemon, you need a version of both Perl on your UNIX machine and a version of Java.
The daemon can be run with or without parameters. If no parameters are specified, the process relies on the default values in $COBDIR/remotedev/rdo.cfg.
Use the following syntax to start the daemon on the remote host:
$COBDIR/remotedev/startrdodaemon [<port> <low port>-<high port>]
Example: To start the daemon listening on port 4999:
$COBDIR/remotedev/startrdodaemon 4999
This command will override the default port in rdo.cfg.
Example: To instruct the daemon (on port 4999) to instantiate servers using a range of ports 4090-4993:
$COBDIR/remotedev/startrdodaemon 4999 4090-4993
This command will also override the default ports in rdo.cfg.
If the server has an active firewall, it is important that these ports are open in the firewall settings. You can use the configrdo utility to set the default ports in rdo.cfg to ones already open in the firewall. If you are running on a supported Red Hat platform, you can also use the utility to open the required ports in the active firewall. See Configuring the firewall for more information.