Using the Program Flow Graph

Program Flow Graph lets you understand the structure of a COBOL program by showing what calls are made to and from sections and paragraphs.

The call directions are represented by arrows that have different colors depending on the type of call, for example goto statements, call statements, external references, etc. You can customize the colors from the Program Flow Graph settings which you can access by clicking .

From the settings you can also set additional options such as merging duplicate links and displaying fully qualified section/paragraph names.

If you make changes to the source code after showing a Program Flow Graph, the information in the graph will be outdated and a banner at the top of the graph will alert you to this. To re-draw the graph, click Update graph.

The following list shows some of the different operations that you can perform from the Program Flow Graph view:

Navigate to the code
Double-click a node to navigate to that line in the source code in the editor.
Display a code preview tooltip
Hover over a node or link.
Change focus mode
Use to switch to focus mode in which only a node you select will be highlighted together with its related nodes.
Displaying a new graph for a node in the current graph
Right-click a node and select Create a new graph from here.

This works only for local projects, and not for sources located in a workspace inside COBOL Analyzer or Enterprise Analyzer.