As well as demonstrating a combination of examples 2 and 3, this example also demonstrates the use of the genjava utility, which is required because the Java program calls into multiple COBOL programs.
$set nsymbol(national) >>JAVA-CALLABLE program-id. "demo4". working-storage section. >>JAVA-SHAREABLE ON 01 Int1 pic 9(9) comp-5 value 10. 01 Alpha1 pic x(100) value "Pink". 01 Group1. 03 colour1 pic x(10) occurs 10 value "Red" "Green" "Blue". 01 Num1 pic S9(5)v9(5) comp-3 value 3141.59265. 01 Nat1 pic n(20) value n"Unicode" national. >>JAVA-SHAREABLE OFF 01 ed-num1 pic +9(5).9(5). procedure division. display "--In COBOL Program demo4--" display "Int1= " Int1 display "Alpha1= " Alpha1 display "colour1(1)= "colour1(1) display "colour1(2)= "colour1(2) display "colour1(3)= "colour1(3) move num1 to ed-num1 display "Num1= " ed-num1 display "Nat1= " Nat1 goback.
$set nsymbol(national) >>JAVA-CALLABLE program-id. "demo5". working-storage section. >>JAVA-SHAREABLE ON 01 Group1. 03 Group2. 05 item1 pic x(10) value "Purple". 05 Group3. 07 item2 pic x(10) value "Green". >>JAVA-SHAREABLE OFF 01 3item pic 9(10). procedure division. display "--In COBOL Program demo5--" display "Item1= " item1 display "Item2= " item2 goback.
cob demo4.cbl -yc -C "java-package-name(com.mycompany.demo4) java-output-path(src4)"
The COBOL library file is generated, and its supporting class files are generated using the com.mycompany.demo4 package name and placed in the src4 folder.
cob demo5.cbl -yc -C "java-package-name(com.mycompany.demo4) java-output-path(src4)"
The COBOL library file is generated, and its supporting class files are generated using the com.mycompany.demo4 package name and placed in the src4 folder.
cob -yo demo4.o demo5.o -Q -znoexecstack
The library file is generated.
genjava libapp4 -p demo4 demo5 -s demo4 demo5 -o src4 -k com.mycompany.demo4
import com.mycompany.demo4.*; import java.math.BigDecimal; public class Demo4 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("--Java--"); int i = strg.demo4.Int1.get(); System.out.println("Int1= " + i); strg.demo4.Int1.put(10201); String s = strg.demo4.Alpha1.get(); System.out.println("Alpha1= " + s); strg.demo4.Alpha1.put("Purple"); strg.demo4.Group1.colour1[2].put("Yellow"); strg.demo4.Group1.colour1[3].put("Cyan"); BigDecimal num1 = strg.demo4.Num1.get(); System.out.println("Num1= " + num1); strg.demo4.Num1.put(new BigDecimal("1579.1113")); String n = strg.demo4.Nat1.get(); System.out.println("Nat1= " + n); strg.demo4.Nat1.put("abcdeFGHIJ"); String i1 = strg.demo5.Group1.Group2.item1.get(); System.out.println("Item1= " + i1); strg.demo5.Group1.Group2.item1.put("Orange"); String i2 = strg.demo5.Group1.Group2.Group3.item2.get(); System.out.println("Item1= " + i2); strg.demo5.Group1.Group2.Group3.item2.put("Yellow"); progs.demo4(); progs.demo5(); } }
The Java code imports the namespace that the COBOL compilation used. You should also ensure that the current working folder and the src4 folder are on the CLASSPATH.
javac java Demo4
The following output is produced:
--Java-- Int1= 10 Alpha1= Pink Num1= 3141.59265 Nat1= Unicode Item1= Purple Item1= Green --In COBOL Program demo4-- Int1= 0000010201 Alpha1= Purple colour1(1)= Red colour1(2)= Green colour1(3)= Yellow Num1= +01579.11130 Nat1= abcdeFGHIJ --In COBOL Program demo5-- Item1= Orange Item2= Yellow
The code and the output show the Java program accessing the working-storage data in the COBOL programs, even declaring Java variables using the values of the COBOL items. The Java code also calls both of the COBOL programs.