The following options can be set in the File Handler configuration file.
ACUFH Enables or disables the use of the ACU file handler (ACUFH).
ASCIIMAINFRAMEPRINT The ASCIIMAINFRAMEPRINT option specifies whether to use ASCII printer control characters when CHARSET is set to ASCII and the FILETYPE is set to mainframe print format where “WRITE BEFORE ADVANCING SYNTAX” is used.
ASCIISOSI The ASCIISOSI option enables correct representation of EBCDIC DBCS characters.
BASENAME The BASENAME option determines whether filenames specified in tags can be expressed without pathnames. By default, such filenames have
to be expressed with full path information as passed to the File Handler by the calling program. By setting BASENAME=ON, it is possible to specify the filename without the path.
C$FORMAT The C$FORMAT option determines the default file format for actions performed using the C$COPY, C$DELETE, and RENAME file handling library
COMMITFLUSH In the context of a program that is not using Fileshare, the COMMITFLUSH option specifies whether the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements cause all file updates to be flushed to disk, as well as record
locks to be released.
CONCATNAME The CONCATNAME option determines whether filenames including the plus ('+') character are to be interpreted as normal filenames,
or as file concatenations.
CONVERTDBSPACE The CONVERTDBSPACE option enables conversion of double-byte character set (DBCS) spaces to ASCII spaces when reading a line sequential file.
CONVERTEUCKATAKANA The CONVERTEUCKATAKANA option enables conversion of EUC single-width double-byte characters to their double-width Katakana equivalents when reading
a line sequential file.
CONVERTSTATUS The CONVERTSTATUS option specifies the name of a program that is called after the File Handler has finished processing to map returned status
values for emulation purposes.
DATACOMPRESS The DATACOMPRESS option specifies whether data compression is in effect and the type of compression. The directive only affects record sequential
and indexed files.
DATAFILE The DATAFILE option maps the filename passed to an OPEN statement onto another name.
ESACUFH Enables or disables the use of the ACUCOBOL-GT file handler (ACUFH) for data file operations running under Enterprise Server.
EXPANDPOSITIONING When using the WRITE AFTER POSITIONING statement (OS/VS COBOL compatibility), the first character of the record area can hold
carriage control information. The EXPANDPOSITIONING option determines whether the written record includes this carriage control information.
EXPANDTAB The EXPANDTAB option determines whether to expand TAB characters encountered in line sequential or line advancing files during a READ operation
into the equivalent number of spaces.
EXTENDEDESDS The EXTENDEDESDS option enables you to create extended ESDS files.
EXTENDEDESDSXRBA The EXTENDEDESDSXRBA option enables you to use extended relative byte addressing with extended ESDS files.
FASTREAD The FASTREAD option specifies whether or not the File Handler performs extra checking to ensure data integrity when reading an indexed
FHREDIR The FHREDIR option specifies whether a remote server using Fileshare can handle files.
FILECASE The FILECASE option enables you to adjust the case of data file names.
FILESUFFIX The FILESUFFIX option specifies the file extension to be used for files that do not explicitly specify one. This option is switched on/off
according to file organization, by using the IDXNAMETYPE, SEQNAMETYPE, LSEQNAMETYPE, and RELNAMETYPE configuration options.
FILEMAXSIZE The FILEMAXSIZE option specifies the number of bytes used internally to store file offsets.
FILEPOINTERSIZE For format 8 indexed files, the FILEPOINTERSIZE parameter specifies the length in bytes to use to store file pointers.
FLUSHSYSOUT The FLUSHSYSOUT option controls the ability to view the progress of an active spool job.
FSIDXINTEGRITY In the context of a Fileshare system, the FSIDXINTEGRITY option causes any changed nodes held within the File Handlers index cache (as configured with the INDEXCOUNT option) to be written to disk before Fileshare returns status information to the client program. This option improves the
integrity of indexed files processed by Fileshare at the expense of a small amount of additional file I/O.
IDXDATBUF The IDXDATBUF option determines the size of buffer used when accessing the data portion of a file with organization INDEXED.
IDXFORMAT The IDXFORMAT option specifies the format to use when creating or opening indexed files.
IDXNAMETYPE The IDXNAMETYPE option specifies the format of the filename type for both the data file and, if present, the index file.
IGNORELOCK The IGNORELOCK option specifies whether to ignore locks if you open a file for input.
INDEXCOUNT The INDEXCOUNT option specifies the number of index nodes to be cached for an indexed file.
INDEXFILE The INDEXFILE option maps the name of the index file (for those indexed file formats that have a separate index file). This name can include
full path information.
INSERTNULL When performing WRITE or REWRITE operations on line sequential or line advancing files, the INSERTNULL option determines whether to insert NULL (x"00") characters before non-printable characters. The option also determines whether
to strip out those NULL characters during READ operations.
INSERTTAB When performing WRITE or REWRITE operations on line sequential or line advancing files, the INSERTTAB option determines whether to replace sequences of spaces with TAB characters.
INTEROP The INTEROP option determines which file handler is used for all file organizations in a given folder.
KEYCHECK The KEYCHECK option specifies whether the File Handler checks that the key definition defined in your application matches that of the
indexed file you are opening.
KEYCOMPRESS The KEYCOMPRESS option specifies the type of key compression in use.
LOADONTOHEAP The LOADONTOHEAP option specifies whether the File Handler loads the file into memory before executing any I/O operations.
LOCKTYPE The LOCKTYPE option specifies the type of record locking in use.
LOG When LOG is set to ON, any unusual file-related situations, such as corrupted files, or automatic file recovery, are noted in a log file for later
LOGFILENAME When the LOG option is active, the LOGFILENAME option specifies the name of the log file to produce.
LSEQNAMETYPE The LSEQNAMETYPE option determines if the FILESUFFIX option is used for line sequential files that do not explicitly specify a file extension.
LSFILETERM The option controls the behavior of the File Handler upon encountering the EOF character x"1a" when reading line sequential files.
LSRECDELIM The LSRECDELIM option specifies the characters to be used as the record delimiter in line sequential files.
MAINFRAMEPRINT For those files using WRITE AFTER ADVANCING or WRITE BEFORE ADVANCING, the MAINFRAMEPRINT option determines whether to use mainframe printer file format (filetype 11).
NAMEOPTIONS The NAMEOPTIONS option specifies whether the name you pass to the OPEN statement can contain File Handler options.
NFSFILELOCK The NFSFILELOCK option enables applications to detect record locks and file locks on UNIX NFS file systems.
NODESIZE The NODESIZE option specifies the size of the index nodes to use for an indexed file.
NOSEQCHECK The NOSEQCHECK option disables sequence-checking of keys in indexed files.
OPENINPUTSHARED The OPENINPUTSHARED option specifies whether files that you open for input, and for which you do not specify a LOCK MODE clause, can be shared by other users.
OSVSREWRITE The OSVSREWRITE option specifies whether to permit the WRITE statement for sequential files that are open for output. If so, these WRITE
statements behave exactly like REWRITE statements.
READSEMA The READSEMA option specifies whether the system attempts to gain a semaphore for shared files when I/O operations are performed that
do not modify the file.
READTODELIM The READTODELIM option specifies whether the file pointer is advanced to the next logical record in the file when reading in a record that
is longer than the user data area. In these circumstances, the data record would effectively be truncated.
RELDATBUF The RELDATBUF option determines the size of buffer used when accessing a file with organization RELATIVE.
RELFORMAT Determines how relative files are handled.
RELNAMETYPE The RELNAMETYPE option determines if the FILESUFFIX option is used for relative files that do not explicitly specify a file extension.
RELRECDELIM The RELRECDELIM option specifies the characters to be used as the record delimiter in fixed-length relative files.
RETRYLOCK The RETRYLOCK option indicates whether you wish to retry a READ operation that fails because the record is locked.
RETRYOPEN The RETRYOPEN option indicates whether you wish to retry an I/O operation that fails because the file is locked.
RETRYTIME The RETRYTIME option specifies whether the integer given in the RETRYLOCK and RETRYOPEN options specifies the number of attempts or the number of seconds.
RUNITLOCKDETECT The RUNITLOCKDETECT option specifies whether the File Handler checks whether a record has been locked by a separate OPEN statement issued from
within the same run unit.
SEARCHONCREATE The SEARCHONCREATE parameter determines whether the File Handler searches each specified directory on a multi-directory path for a file with
the same name as the one being created. This option applies only to files which are opened with OPEN OUTPUT.
SEQDATBUF The SEQDATBUF option determines the size of buffer to use when accessing a file with organization SEQUENTIAL.
SEQNAMETYPE The SEQNAMETYPE option determines if the FILESUFFIX option is used for sequential files that do not explicitly specify a file extension.
SKIPLOCK The SKIPLOCK option specifies whether to advance the current record pointer when a locked record is encountered during a sequential READ.
SPACEFILL The SPACEFILL option determines whether to fill with spaces that part of the record area beyond the data that is read when performing READ
operations on line sequential or line advancing files.
STARTUNLOCK The STARTUNLOCK option determines whether a START operation will remove existing locks for files specified with single record locking; that
is, without the WITH LOCK ON MULTIPLE RECORDS phrase.
STRIPSPACE The STRIPSPACE parameter determines whether to remove trailing space characters when performing WRITE or REWRITE operations on line sequential
or line advancing files.
SUPPRESSADV The SUPPRESSADV option determines whether to ignore the ADVANCING phrase of the WRITE statement for record sequential files.
TRACE The TRACE option specifies whether Xfhtrace, the File Handler trace module, is enabled. The Xfhtrace module traces File Handler operations and logs all activity to a trace file. It is supplied to help you diagnose any problems
you may have with COBOL files.
TRACEFILEEXTEND The TRACEFILEEXTEND option determines whether to write trace information to the end of the current trace file, if the trace file already exists.
This option has no effect if TRACE is OFF.
TRACEFILENAME The TRACEFILENAME option specifies the name of the trace file to produce when the TRACE option is active.
WRITELINE The WRITELINE parameter determines whether mainframe or PC behavior is used for WRITE record.
WRITETHRU The WRITETHRU option determines whether modifications to a file are written out to disk immediately or buffered internally, either by the
COBOL system or by the operating system, and flushed to disk at a later stage.