To create an COBOL JVM interface:
This opens the New COBOL JVM Interface dialog box.
This opens the IWrapper.cbl program in a COBOL editor.
method-id closeConnection. procedure division. end method.
Your IWrapper.cbl program should look something like this:
interface-id com.addressBookWrapper.IWrapper public. method-id openConnection. procedure division. end method. method-id closeConnection. procedure division. end method. method-id createRecord. procedure division returning return-value as type RecordDTO. end method. method-id updateRecord. procedure division using by value dto as type RecordDTO. end method. method-id deleteRecord. procedure division using by value dto as type RecordDTO. end method. method-id getAllRecords. procedure division returning return-value as list[type RecordDTO]. end method. method-id maxNumberOfRecords. procedure division returning return-value as binary-long. end method. end interface.