This tool directly executes a defined Eclipse command via the corresponding command handler ID.
Tool Attribute:
Attribute | Type | Description |
Excution Mode | Selection | Specifies whether the tool is executed synchronously or asynchronous to other tools of the action. Valid values are:
Parameter # | I/O | Type | Description |
1 [M] | I | String | The command ID. |
2 [O] | I | String | The command handler ID. |
3 [O] | I | String | The Eclipse resource ID of the resource upon which the command should be executed. |
Sample command handlers are:
Command ID | Handler ID | Function |
com.microfocus.eclipse.project.determineDirectives | com.microfocus.eclipse.project | Determines compile directives for COBOL or PL/I programs. |
com.microfocus.eclipse.edt.ui.imsdbu.add | com.microfocus.eclipse.edt.ui | IMS database utility add. |
com.microfocus.eclipse.edt.ui.imsdbu.load | com.microfocus.eclipse.edt.ui | IMS database utility load. |
com.microfocus.eclipse.edt.ui.imsdbu.unload | com.microfocus.eclipse.edt.ui | IMS database utility unload. |
com.microfocus.eclipse.edt.ui.imsdbu.zeroload | com.microfocus.eclipse.edt.ui | IMS database utility zero load. |
com.microfocus.eclipse.edt.ui.dfed.str | com.microfocus.eclipse.edt.ui | Create record layout file. |
com.microfocus.eclipse.edt.ui.dfed.slf | com.microfocus.eclipse.edt.ui | Create segment layout file. |
com.microfocus.eclipse.project.generateCoverageReport | com.microfocus.eclipse.project | Generate coverage report. |
com.microfocus.eclipse.project.generateProfilerReport | com.microfocus.eclipse.project | Generate profiler report. |
com.microfocus.eclipse.edt.transformAsmIncludeToCopybook | com.microfocus.eclipse.edt.ui | Transform an Assembler macro to a COBOL copybook. |
com.microfocus.eclipse.edt.transformCopybookToAsmInclude | com.microfocus.eclipse.edt.ui | Transform a COBOL copybook to an Assembler macro. |
com.microfocus.eclipse.project.transformCopybookToProgram | com.microfocus.eclipse.project | Transform a COBOL copybook to a COBOL program. |
com.microfocus.eclipse.project.transformProgramToCopybook | com.microfocus.eclipse.project | Transform a COBOL program to a COBOL copybook. |
com.microfocus.eclipse.editor.compileDependentPrograms | com.microfocus.eclipse.editor | Compile dependent programs. |