Restriction: This topic applies to UNIX environments only.
- Informix uses the
.cob and
.mf2 file extensions. For CP to resolve copybooks and include statements correctly, use the following COBOL Compiler directives:
copyext(eco,mf2,cob,cpy,cbl) osext(eco)
- Under UNIX, because COBSQL invokes the Informix precompiler, the INFORMIXCOB, INFORMIXCOBTYPE and INFORMIXCOBDIR environment
variables all need to be setup before using COBSQL. For more information about these environment variables, refer to the
Informix COBOL/ESQL Programmers Guide.
- Informix only produces error messages in its list files. Normally the error message will contain the line the error occured
on. If COBSQL cannot locate the line number from the error message, it will not report the error.
- To run COBSQL correctly with Informix, the INFORMIXDIR environment variable should be set before using COBSQL.