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XML File Status Codes

The following table shows return codes for the file status of the last I/O operation.

Return Code Meaning
> 0 After a successful READ action, the ordinal number of the record read is returned as the status code. After a successful WRITE action, the size of the XML file written is returned as the status code.
0 Success. The XML I/O action is performed without problem.
-1 The XML I/O action is trying to access an XML stream that is not opened.
-2 This is an invalid XML I/O action.
-3 Invalid mode is specified in the OPEN statement.
-4 The XML stream cannot be opened.
-5 The XML I/O action is attempting to access an internal DOM (Document Object Model) representation which is not present. DOM enables you to create and modify HTML pages and XML documents as full-fledged program objects.
-6 An invalid KEY is specified in the XML I/O action.
-7 The end of the XML stream has been reached.
-8 This is an invalid position to insert the specified XML item.
-9 The current record read is not a well-formed XML document.
-10 The internal DOM representation is not written out to any XML stream and has been cleared after a READ statement or a CLOSE statement.
-11 There is a problem reading an XML stream that is a URL.
-12 There is a problem writing to an XML stream that is a URL.
-13 There is a problem reading an XML stream that is not a URL.
-14 There is a problem writing to an XML stream that is not a URL.
-15 There is a problem closing an XML stream.
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