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XML-CODE Exception Codes

Your COBOL system supports a subset of the exception codes that are available via the XML-CODE special register. If one of these exceptions occurs, control is passed to the statement in the ON EXCEPTION phrase, or to the end of the XML PARSE or XML GENERATE statement if you did not code an ON EXCEPTION.

Exception Codes supported when XMLPARSE is set to COMPAT

The following exception codes are dependent on the XMLPARSE(COMPAT) compiler directive being in effect when using XML PARSE.

Code Description
1 The parser found an invalid character while scanning white space outside element content.
2 The parser found an invalid start of a processing instruction, element, comment or document type declaration outside element content.
3 The parser found a duplicate attribute name.
4 The parser found the markup character '<' in an attribute value.
5 The start and end tag names of an element did not match.
6 The parser found an invalid character in element content.
8 The parser found in element content the CDATA closing character sequence '' without the matching opening character sequence ''.
9 The parser found an invalid character in a comment.
10 The parser found in a comment the character sequence '--' (dashdash) not followed by '>'.
11 The parser found an invalid character in a processing instruction data segment.
12 A processing instruction target name was 'xml' in lower-case, upper-case or mixed-case.
13 The parser found an invalid digit in a hexadecimal character reference (of the form &#xdddd;).
14 The parser found an invalid digit in a decimal character reference (of the form &#dddd;).
15 The encoding declaration value in the XML declaration did not begin with lower- or upper-case A through Z
16 A character reference did not refer to a legal XML character.
17 The parser found an invalid character in an entity reference name.
18 The parser found an invalid character in an attribute value.
100 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning the start of the XML declaration.
101 The parser reached the end of the document while looking for the end of the XML declaration.
102 The parser reached the end of the document while looking for the root element.
103 The parser reached the end of the document while looking for the version information in the XML declaration.
104 The parser reached the end of the document while looking for the version information value in the XML declaration.
106 The parser reached the end of the document while looking for the encoding declaration value in the XML declaration.
108 The parser reached the end of the document while looking for the standalone declaration value in the XML declaration.
109 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning an attribute name.
110 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning an attribute value.
111 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning a character reference or entity reference in an attribute value.
112 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning an empty element tag.
113 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning the root element name.
114 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning an element name.
115 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning character data in element content.
116 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning a processing instruction in element content.
117 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning a comment or CDATA section in element content.
118 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning a comment in element content.
119 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning a CDATA section in element content.
120 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning a character reference or entity reference in element content.
122 The parser found a possible invalid start of a document type declaration.
123 The parser found a second document type declaration.
124 The first character of the root element name was not a letter, '_' or ':'.
125 The first character of the first attribute name of an element was not a letter, '_' or ':'.
126 The parser found an invalid character either in or following an element name.
127 The parser found a character other than '=' following an attribute name.
128 The parser found an invalid attribute value delimiter.
130 The first character of an attribute name was not a letter, '_' or ':'.
131 The parser found an invalid character either in or following an attribute name.
132 An empty element tag was not terminated by a '>' following the '/'.
133 The first character of an element end tag name was not a letter, '_' or ':'.
134 An element end tag name was not terminated by a '>'.
135 The first character of an element name was not a letter, '_' or ':'.
138 The first character of a processing instruction target name was not a letter, '_' or ':'.
139 The parser found an invalid character in or following a processing instruction target name.
140 A processing instruction was not terminated by the closing character sequence '?>'.
141 The parser found an invalid character following '&' in a character reference or entity reference.
142 The version information was not present in the XML declaration.
143 'version' in the XML declaration was not followed by a '='.
144 The version declaration value in the XML declaration is either missing or improperly delimited.
145 The version information value in the XML declaration specified a bad character, or the start and end delimiters did not match.
146 The parser found an invalid character following the version information value closing delimiter in the XML declaration.
147 The parser found an invalid attribute instead of the optional encoding declaration in the XML declaration.
148 'encoding' in the XML declaration was not followed by a '='.
149 The encoding declaration value in the XML declaration is either missing or improperly delimited.
150 The encoding declaration value in the XML declaration specified a bad character, or the start and end delimiters did not match.
151 The parser found an invalid character following the encoding declaration value closing delimiter in the XML declaration.
152 The parser found an invalid attribute instead of the optional standalone declaration in the XML declaration.
153 'standalone' in the XML declaration was not followed by a '='.
154 The standalone declaration value in the XML declaration is either missing or improperly delimited.
155 The standalone declaration value was neither 'yes' nor 'no' only.
156 The standalone declaration value in the XML declaration specified a bad character, or the start and end delimiters did not match.
157 The parser found an invalid character following the standalone declaration value closing delimiter in the XML declaration.
158 The XML declaration was not terminated by the proper character sequence '?>', or contained an invalid attribute.
159 The parser found the start of a document type declaration after the end of the root element.
160 The parser found the start of an element after the end of the root element.
201 Miscellaneous XML document parsing errors.
300 The document was encoded in EBCDIC, but the CODEPAGE compiler option specified a supported ASCII code page.
306 The document was encoded in ASCII, but the CODEPAGE compiler option specified a supported EBCDIC code page.
310 The CODEPAGE compiler option specified a supported EBCDIC code page, but the document was encoded in Unicode.

Exception Codes supported when XMLPARSE is set to XMLSS

The following exception codes are dependent on the XMLPARSE(XMLSS) compiler directive being in effect when using XML PARSE.

The exception code is formed from the return code and the reason code that the parser generates. The return code and the reason code are each a halfword binary value. The value in XML-CODE is a concatenation of these two values: the return code in the high-order halfword, and the reason code in the low-order halfword.

Return Codes
Code Value Description
0000 XRC_SUCCESS XMLPARSE processing was successful.
000C XRC_NOT_WELL_FORMED The document is not well-formed.
0010 XRC_FATAL Processing failed. Returned data areas or output parameters cannot be relied on to contain valid data.
0018 XRC_NOT_VALID The document is not valid according to the specified schema.
Reason Codes
Code Value Description
0000 XRSN_SUCCESS The XMLPARSE processing was successful.
1154 XRSN_UNKNOWN_ERROR An unknown abend occurred.
1203 XRSN_PARM_UNSUPPORT_ENCODING XML encoding string is not supported.
1502 XRSN_NO_SCHEMAS_SPECIFIED Either the schema vector parameter passed was NULL, or the number of schemas specified in the vector was zero.
2000 XRSN_COMMENT_INCOMPLETE The document ended within comment markup.
3000 XRSN_ATTR_DUPLICATE Duplicate attributes were found.
3002 XRSN_NS_ATTR_PREFIX_NOT_DECL Namespace prefix on attribute not declared.
3007 XRSN_COMMENT_DASH_MISSING Comment without starting dash found.
3008 XRSN_COMMENT_CHAR_INVALID Comment markup contains incorrect character.
3009 XRSN_COMMENT_RIGHT_ANGLE_MISSING Comment is missing the ending angle bracket at the end of the markup.
3010 XRSN_CDATA_KEYWORD_INVALID CDATA keyword expected but not found.
3011 XRSN_CDATA_LEFT_BRACKET_MISSING Left square bracket expected in CDATA markup.
3013 XRSN_CDATA_CHAR_INVALID A character was found that is not allowed within a CDATA section.
3017 XRSN_PI_CHAR_INVALID A character was found that is not allowed within a Processing instruction.
3018 XRSN_ATTR_NAME_CHAR_INVALID A character was found that is not allowed within an attribute name.
3020 XRSN_ATTR_EQUAL_MISSING An incorrect character was found after the attribute name, and the only character allowed is "=".
3021 XRSN_ATTR_QUOTE_MISSING An incorrect character was found after the attribute "=" character, and he only characters allowed here is either white space, or a single or double quote.
3022 XRSN_ATTR_VALUE_CHAR_INVALID An incorrect character was found in an attribute value.
3030 XRSN_CONTNT_CHAR_INVALID An incorrect character is found in element content
3031 XRSN_TAG_ELEMNAME_INVALID An incorrect character is found in an element tag name.
3034 XRSN_TAG_EMPTY_INVALID An incorrect character is found after the "/" character to end the element tag. The only character allowed is a greater than symbol to end the empty element tag.
3035 XRSN_ENDTAG_NAME_MISMATCH At the element end tag, a mis-match element name is found compared o the name of the start element
3036 XRSN_ENDTAG_EMPTY_TAG_INVALID An incorrect character is found in the element end tag after the element name. The only characters allowed after the name is white pace or the greater than symbol.
3046 XRSN_XML_VER_VALUE_INVALID An incorrect XML version number was specified. The only allowed values are "1.0" or "1.1".
3050 XRSN_XML_CHAR_INVALID In the XML Declaration after the close of the version value, an incorrect character is detected.
3055 XRSN_XML_ENC_CHAR_INVALID An incorrect character is detected in the XML Declaration encoding value.
3057 XRSN_XML_STD_VALUE_INVALID An incorrect value for standalone was specified. The only allowed values are "yes" or "no".
3060 XRSN_XML_END_CHAR_INVALID An incorrect character is detected at the end of the XML declaration, where "?>" is expected.
3061 XRSN_ENTITY_NOT_DEFINED Entity not defined or not defined correctly.
3062 XRSN_CHAR_INVALID An incorrect character was detected in the document. Either white pace or "<" was expected.
3067 XRSN_NS_URI_EMPTY A non-default namespace declaration contains a URI value of zero length and the XML version is 1.0.
3068 XRSN_INVALID_CHAR_SEQ An invalid character sequence ]]> found in the content portion of the document.
3069 XRSN_ENTITY_MARKUP_INCOMPLETE Incomplete markup in entity.
8406 XRSN_DEM_CDSECTUNTERMINATED The CDATA section must end with ]]>.
8410 XRSN_DEM_VERSIONINFOREQD The version is required in the XML declaration.
8415 XRSN_DEM_ELEMUNTERMINATED The element must be followed by either attribute specifications, > or />.
8429 XRSN_DEM_COMMENTUNTERM The comment must end with a comment ending sequence.
8432 XRSN_DEM_PIUNTERMINATED The processing instruction must end with ?>.
8433 XRSN_DEM_RESERVEDPITARGET The processing instruction target matching [xX][mM][lL] is not allowed.
8435 XRSN_DEM_DIGREQDINCHARREF A decimal representation must immediately follow the &# in the character reference.
8437 XRSN_DEM_SEMICOLONREQDINCHARREF The character reference must end with a semicolon delimiter.
8438 XRSN_DEM_INVCHARREF The character reference contains an invalid character.
8601 XRSN_VME_INVATTVALUEFORFIXED The attribute value is not valid with respect to its fixed value constraint.
8603 XRSN_VME_NONWSCHARINELEMONLYCONT The element cannot have non-white space character data because the type's content type is element-only.
8604 XRSN_VME_EXPELEMNOMATCH An expected element match was not found.
8605 XRSN_VME_REQDELEMMISSING The required element or one of its substitutions is required.
8612 XRSN_VME_UNDECLATT The attribute found is not allowed to appear in the element.
8613 XRSN_VME_REQDATTMISSING The attribute must appear on the element.
8619 XRSN_VME_XSITVALDOESNOTEXIST The value cannot be resolved to a type definition for the element.
8622 XRSN_VME_FIXEDVCFAILURE The value does not match the fixed value constraint value for the element.

Exception Codes supported for XML GENERATE

Code Description
400 The receiver was too small to contain the generated XML document. The COUNT IN data item, if specified, contains the count of character positions that were actually generated.
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