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Makes the Compiler close an .lbr file used as a library in a COPY statement once that copy operation is complete.
Note: This Compiler directive is not intended for your use, and its setting should not be changed. It is included here for completeness, because it might appear in the list of settings.


   +-/-+ +-NO-+




Phase: Syntax check
$SET: Any


NOCANCELLBR causes such .lbr files to be left open until the end of the compilation. Subsequent COPY statements that do not specify a library, search for the copybook in all open .lbr libraries (last one opened is searched first) before the current directory.

This directive is only relevant if COPYLBR is on.

[NO]CANCELLBR can be used on any $SET statement. Only .lbr libraries referenced in COPY statements after the $SET statement are affected. Any left open from previous COPY statements are only closed if specified again on a COPY statement following a CANCELLBR directive.

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