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Helps you to ensure that your .NET managed code compiles with the correct version of the .NET Framework Microsoft Common Object assembly (mscorlib.dll).
Restriction: This directive is supported for .NET COBOL only.

If ILSTDLIB is set, the Compiler automatically sets up a reference to the most recent version of mscorlib.dll that is compatible with the target version of the CLR (see the ILCLR directive).

Setting NOILSTDLIB removes this implicit reference, in which case you must specify the ILREF directive pointing at a specific version of mscorlib.dll.

When building from Visual Studio or when using MSBuild to compile a COBOL project, the NOILSTDLIB directive is set, and an ILREF is generated pointing at the version of mscorlib.dll appropriate for the target framework selected in the project's properties.




Default: ILSTDLIB, but NOILSTDLIB is set automatically by the Visual Studio IDE
IDE equivalent NOILSTDLIB is set by default
Phase: Syntax check
$SET: Initial
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