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Cataloging an ADO.NET or ODBC Connection

OpenESQL Assistant automatically catalogs connections using ODBC and ODBC ADO.NET data providers if you have set your OpenESQL options to enable automatic cataloging. To use other ADO.NET data providers, you must catalog them manually using the ADO.NET Connection Editor. All available data providers are listed on the ADO.NET Connection Editor.

When you catalog a connection, the ADO.NET Connection Editor supplies default option specifications for the type of connection you catalog. You should edit the values to reflect the correct specifications for your data source. We provide templates for certain ADO.NET data providers as examples of what type of connection specifications are required and what their values should be. See the section Example Connection Settings for specific examples.

You also have the option of encrypting your connections in the repository. You might want to do this if your connection specifications include sensitive information such as a user ID and password used to access your application.

When you launch the ADO.NET Connection Editor from the OpenESQL Assistant UI, it can access both 32-bit and 64-bit repositories even though the OpenESQL Assistant itself can only access 32-bit repositories. On UAC-enabled operating systems, to update the system repository (machine.config) for either 32-bit or 64-bit applications, you must start Visual Studio as an administrator.

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