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Tutorial: EJB Service Interface

Walks you through the process of defining an Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) service interface using the Interface Mapping Toolkit (IMTK), deploying it to an enterprise server instance, and generating and running a client to access it.
Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.
In this tutorial, we take you through the following tasks:
  • Review the code in the COBOL demonstration application to become familiar with how it works
  • Create a Visual Studio solution and project for the COBOL program service interface
  • Define a Java/EJB service interface to access the COBOL application
  • Deploy the service interface to the enterprise server as an EJB
  • Generate and deploy a JSP client to access the service
  • Deploy the resource adapter to JBoss
  • Run the JSP client, accessing the service
If you are not familiar with the concept and implementation of a service interface, take some time to review the introductory information and other relevant topics for the IMTK before beginning the tutorial.

Complete this tutorial by following the instructions in the following topics in the order listed here. The bottom of each topic provides Next topic and Previous topic navigational links to help you proceed through the tutorial in its proper sequence:

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