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Attention: This feature is in Early Adopter Product (EAP) release status. We intend to provide the finalized feature in a future release. Please contact Micro Focus SupportLine if you require further clarification.

The CICS Web Services feature is EAP for development and testing usage. It should not be used for production deployment in this product release

iFSView is the FSView interface for iFileshare servers, allowing you to view information on the current server.

Displays a list of iFSView commands that can be entered directly into the free-text box to the right of the Enter button.
server get
Gets the server information for the iFileshare server, such as its name, the date/time it was started, and the tracing status.
users get
Gets a list of users currently logged on to the iFileshare server.
files get
Gets a list of files currently open on the iFileshare server.
stats get
Gets a list of statistics for user and file usage, for the iFileshare server.
Creates debug diagnostics for the iFileshare server.
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