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The EXHIBIT Statement

The EXHIBIT statement causes an (optionally conditional) display of the literals, and/or identifiers (optionally preceded by the identifier name) specified in the statement.

General Format

EXHIBIT Statement

Syntax Rules

  1. Each identifier specified in the EXHIBIT statement can be any class of data. TALLY and RETURN-CODE are the only special registers that can be used as identifiers.
  2. The EXHIBIT CHANGED statement is not supported in class programs when compiling to managed code.

General Rules

  1. Literals and identifiers displayed by the EXHIBIT statement are separated by a space on the displayed line.
  2. Each literal can be any figurative constant other than ALL.
  3. If the literal is numeric, it must be an unsigned integer.
  4. Each execution of an EXHIBIT NAMED statement displays each identifier or literal specified, with each identifier (including any qualifiers and subscripts) followed by an "=" (equal sign) and its current value. They all appear on a single line in the order in which they appear in the statement.
  5. Each execution of an EXHIBIT CHANGED NAMED statement displays each identifier or literal specified, with each identifier (including any qualifiers and subscripts) followed by an "=" (equal sign) and its current value. They all appear on a single line in the order in which they appear in the statement. However, the display for each identifier (name and value) is conditional on the value of that identifier having changed since the last execution of the current EXHIBIT statement. If one or more of the identifier values have not changed, neither the name nor the value is printed for those identifiers. If none of the identifier values has changed, and no literals are specified, no display takes place (display of a blank line is suppressed).
  6. Each execution of an EXHIBIT CHANGED statement displays the current value of each identifier or literal specified. They all appear on a single line in the order in which they appear in the statement. However, the value display for each identifier is conditional on the value of that identifier having changed since the last execution of the current EXHIBIT statement. If one or more of the identifier values have not changed, the value for those identifiers is not printed; spaces are inserted instead. If none of the identifier values has changed, and no literals are specified, a blank line is displayed (display of a blank line is not suppressed).
  7. Each execution of an EXHIBIT statement with neither the CHANGED nor the NAMED option displays each identifier or literal specified. They all appear on a single line in the order in which they appear in the statement.
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