Generates a TSQL stored procedure. When unchecked, OpenESQL Assistant does not generate a stored procedure query. Available
when the
Type Stored Procedure OpenESQL Assistant Option is set to
TSQL and you have selected a SQL Server data source.
Generate query with FOR UPDATE
Generates a FOR UPDATE clause as part of a SELECT (cursor) or SELECT DISTINCT (cursor) SQL query.
Generate query with WHERE CURRENT OF
Generates a WHERE CURRENT OF clause as part of an UPDATE or DELETE SQL query.
SP Name
The name of the stored procedure you want to generate. A default name is supplied; however, you can override this by typing
in a name of your choice. Applies to stored procedure queries only. Available only when you have selected a SQL Server data
Cursor Name
The name of the cursor generated for the query. A default name is supplied; however, you can override this by typing in a
name of your choice. Available when the
Generate OpenESQL Assistant Option is set to