Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.
In this section, as server administrator, you install the server certificate on the server so that remote Web users can request
it. To install a certificate, you store the certificate and the key file in a folder accessible to your server software.
- Edit the new
HTTPS Echo listener. To do this, select the new listener on the Listeners page and click
- Check
Secure Sockets Layer.
- Enter the full path and filenames of your server certificate and private key in the Certificate and Keyfile fields. These
are by default
srvcert.pem and
srvkey.pem, installed by default in
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\DemoCA (Windows) or
/opt/microfocus/DemoCA/openssl or
$COBSSL (if set) (UNIX).
- Click
On the Listeners page, the entry for HTTP Echo now has a padlock symbol, which shows that it uses SSL.