Instructs OpenESQL to properly match your COBOL cursors with the database you are using, thus maximizing database cursor performance.
BEHAVIOR makes use of multiple primitive directives and associates a default value for each primitive directive depending
on the target DBMS. You can also override the default setting of any primitive directive.
- If you don't specify any BEHAVIOR primitive directives, and you also accept the default primitive directive values listed
in the relevant table in the
Default Primitive Directives section later in this topic, the TARGETDB directive is not required; however, you must specify TARGETDB if you want to use
different default values for any primitive directive.
- Setting the BEHAVIOR directive can also affect the SQL types returned when using Dynamic SQL. See the
DESCRIBE Statement topic for more information.
- Because the
ADO.NET API does not support prefetching, very limited support is provided for BEHAVIOR primitive directives with DBMAN=ADO. See
DBMAN Directive Settings for more information.
BEHAVIOR={OPTIMIZED | UNOPTIMIZED | ANSI | MAINFRAME } [primitivedirective [value]]...
Enables OpenESQL to optimize ambiguous cursor declarations; enhances the access speed
Provides backward compatibility with earlier Micro Focus products, where ambiguous cursors are both updateable and scrollable
Enables OpenESQL to work like the ANSI standard; enhances the access speed
Synonym for OPTIMIZED
Optional directives that enable the fine-tuning of BEHAVIOR
Used at compile time:
Behavior at run time:
Source file
Scope - OpenESQL SQL Compiler Directive Options for more information.
- You can change the default setting to either ANSI or UNOPTIMIZED using the OpenESQL Configuration Utility. However, when the
BEHAVIOR directive is specified in program code, project settings, or in a compiler directive file, the specified parameter
overrides the default setting.
- Setting this directive can also affect the SQL types returned when using Dynamic SQL. See the
DESCRIBE Statement topic for more information.
- OpenESQL sets default values for primitive directives depending on the value of BEHAVIOR and your target database. See the
Primitive Directives for more information.
Default Primitive Directives:
For more information on using BEHAVIOR to migrate your COBOL cursors, see the topic COBOL Program Migration Support.
You can fine tune the BEHAVIOR directive and override these default settings by providing alternate values for primitive directives. If you do this, you must set the TARGETDB directive.