This section describes the VisiBroker for C++ implementation of the key General Inter-ORB Protocol interfaces and other structures defined by the CORBA specification. For a complete description of these interfaces, refer to the OMG CORBA/IIOP Specification.struct ProfileBodyThe IOP_c.hh file should be included when you use this structure.GIPOP::Version iiop_versionCORBA::String_var hostCORBA::UShort portCORBA::OctetSequence object_keyIIOP::MultiComponentProfile componentsA sequence of TaggedComponents which contain information about the protocols that are supported.struct IORThis structure represents an Interoperable Object Reference and is used to provide important information about object references. Your client application can create a stringified IOR by invoking the ORB::object_to_string method.The IOP_c.hh file should be included when you use this structure.CORBA::String_var type_idTaggedProfileSeq profilesThis data member represents a sequence of one or more TaggedProfile structures which contain information about the protocols that are supported.struct TaggedProfileThe IOP_c.hh file should be included when you use this structure.ProfileID tag
CORBA_OctetSequence profile_data