VisiBroker for .NET Developer’s Guide : Introduction to VisiBroker for .NET

Introduction to VisiBroker for .NET
Micro Focus VisiBroker for .NET product provides a runtime environment and a set of developer tools to deliver high-performance connectivity from the Microsoft .NET runtime to J2EE and CORBA servers. This product allows applications developed for the .NET Framework to access heterogeneous server-side components via IIOP, the highly scalable, interoperable and secure protocol.
VisiBroker for .NET was named Janeva in previous releases. Many instances of the term Janeva still exist within examples, commands, parameters, class names, properties, and UI elements. This Developer's Guide uses the term Janeva when referring to these components.
Accessing VisiBroker online help topics in the standalone Help Viewer
To access the online help through the standalone Help Viewer on a machine where the product is installed, use one of the following methods:
Open a command shell and go to the product installation /bin directory, then type:
During installation on UNIX systems, the default is to not include an entry for bin in your PATH. If you did not choose the custom install option and modify the default for PATH entry, and you do not have an entry for current directory in your PATH, use ./help to start the help viewer.
Accessing VisiBroker online help topics from within a VisiBroker GUI tool
To access the online help from within a VisiBroker GUI tool, choose Help > Help Topics.
The Help menu also contains shortcuts to specific documents within the online help. When you select one of these shortcuts, the Help Topics viewer is launched and the item selected from the Help menu is displayed.
Documentation conventions
The documentation for VisiBroker uses the typefaces and symbols described below to indicate special text:
Platform conventions
The VisiBroker documentation uses the following symbols to indicate platform-specific information:
Windows: All supported Windows platforms.
Win2003: Windows 2003 only
WinXP: Windows XP only
Win2000: Windows 2000 only
UNIX: UNIX platforms
Solaris: Solaris only
Linux: Linux only
Contacting Micro Focus
Our Web site gives up-to-date details of contact numbers and addresses.
Further Information and Product Support
Additional technical information or advice is available from several sources.
The product support pages contain a considerable amount of additional information, such as:
To connect, enter in your browser to go to the Micro Focus home page.
Some information may be available only to customers who have maintenance agreements.
If you obtained this product directly from Micro Focus, contact us as described on the Micro Focus Web site, If you obtained the product from another source, such as an authorized distributor, contact them for help first. If they are unable to help, contact us.
Information We Need
However you contact us, please try to include the information below, if you have it. The more information you can give, the better Micro Focus SupportLine can help you. But if you don't know all the answers, or you think some are irrelevant to your problem, please give whatever information you have.
Contact information
Our Web site gives up-to-date details of contact numbers and addresses.
Additional technical information or advice is available from several sources.
The product support pages contain considerable additional information, including the WebSync service, where you can download fixes and documentation updates. To connect, enter in your browser to go to the Micro Focus home page.
If you are a Micro Focus SupportLine customer, please see your SupportLine Handbook for contact information. You can download it from our Web site or order it in printed form from your sales representative. Support from Micro Focus may be available only to customers who have maintenance agreements.
You may want to check these URLs in particular:
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