
Verastream Host Integrator Helm Values

When deploying to Kubernetes, Helm uses the values you specify to populate the Helm chart's templates and tailor the deployment to your specification.

Value Name Description Default Value
ssrvrReplicas Number of session server replicas. 2
adminHostName Change this to the actual FQDN name of your K8s server. localhost
basePort Base Node Port. The Administrative Console connects to adminHostName:basePort+adminRegistryPortOffset. 30500
adminRegistryPortOffset Admin JMX/RMI registry port offset. This value is added to the basePort value. 0
adminExportPortOffset Admin JMX/RMI export port offset. This value is added to the basePort value. 1
mngtWcpPortOffset Management Server WCP node port offset. This value is added to the basePort value. 41
ssrvrWcpPortOffset Session Server WCP node port offset. This value is added to the basePort value. 23
logmgrWcpPortOffset Log Manager WCP node port offset. This value is added to the basePort value. 40
wcpNodePortEnabled When disabled, mngtWcpPortOffset, ssrvrWcpPortOffset, logmgrWcpPortOffset will not be exposed on the NodePort. true
tcpIngressEnabled When enabled, a Traefik TCP ingress may be used in place of mngtWcpPortOffset, ssrvrWcpPortOffset, logmgrWcpPortOffset. Standard VHI ports will be used. false
modelPVCStorageClass Storage class used for persistent volume claim. ""
mngtImage Management server container image. ""
ssrvrImage Session server container image. ""
snmpPort Internal SNMP trap target port. 162
initContainerImage Container Image used to initialize the Session Server and Management Server pods. busybox:1.36 The name of your virtual host pointing to your Kubernetes platform. A subdomain may be specified here. ""
ingress.secret The name of the Kubernetes secret for your server certificate and key. ""
pod.dnsPolicy DNS name resolution policy. See Kubernetes Documentation. "ClusterFirst" The name of the Kubernetes secret used to pull images from a container registry. ""
changeTrustStore When enabled, overlay the session server trust store with a Kubernetes secret. false