7.3 Conflict Analysis Report

A Conflict Analysis Report shows any other Universal Policies that have the same settings as this Universal Policy but have one or more values on that setting that differ. Universal Policies with identical settings do not appear in this report. This provides for an easy method for administrators to clean up and consolidate policies across the repository.

To view Conflict Analysis Report in the Web Console:

  1. Login to the Web Console as an Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the Universal Policies tab.

  3. Select a Universal Policy, to open the policy tab.

  4. On the policy tab, navigate to the Reports menu.

  5. Click Conflicts, to open the Conflict Analysis Report tab.

  6. View the Conflicts Analysis Report.

To Search Specific Settings in the Conflict Analysis Report in the Web Console:

  1. Login to the Web Console as an Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the Universal Policies tab.

  3. Select a Universal Policy, to open the policy tab.

  4. On the policy tab, navigate to the Reports menu.

  5. Click Conflicts, to open the Conflict Analysis Report tab.

  6. In the Conflict Analysis Report tab, navigate to the search bar.

  7. Click on the search bar to activate it.

  8. Type in the keyword or setting name you are looking for.

  9. Press Enter or click on the search icon to initiate the search.

  10. Review the search results to find the relevant setting (The keywords are highlighted).

To Share Conflict Analysis Report in the Web Console:

  1. Login to the Web Console as an Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the Universal Policies tab.

  3. Select a Universal Policy, to open the policy tab.

  4. On the policy tab, navigate to the Reports menu.

  5. Click Conflicts, to open the Conflict Analysis Report tab.

  6. In the Conflict Analysis Report tab, click on the Share Report icon, a print dialog box will appear.

  7. Choose Save as PDF or select the PDF printer option from the list of available printers.

  8. Click the Print or Save button. A new dialog box will prompt you to choose the destination where you want to save the PDF file.

  9. Select the desired location on your device and enter a file name for the PDF.

  10. Click Save to generate the report as a PDF file.

7.3.1 Setting Uniqueness For Conflicts

To effectively view and use conflict reports, it is important to understand the significance of each setting type to differentiate between uniqueness and identical settings.

Table 7-1 Registry Based Settings




Hive, Key, and ValueName

Table 7-2 Linux\Mac OS Settings



Execute Commands

Command, Shell


Ports, Inbound\Outbound

Configuration Files and AD Logins

Filename, SettingName (setting name for custom can be Setting Variable plus Delimiter)



Table 7-3 Preference Settings



Environment Variable Preferences

Action, VariableName, PathValue

File Preferences

Action, SourceFile, DestinationFile

Folder Preferences

Action, PathValue

IniFile Preferences

Action, Path, Section, Property

Registry Preferences

Action, Hive, Key, ValueName

Registry Collection Preferences


Shortcut Preferences

Action, Location, TargetPath, TargetType, Arguments

DataSource Preferences

Action, DSN, UserDSN, Driver

Device Preferences

DeviceClass, DeviceType

Folder Option FileType Preferences


Folder Option Global Preferences

Always unique

Folder Option Vista Preferences

Always unique

Folder Option OpenWith Preferences

Action, FileExtension

Local Group Preferences

Action, GroupName

Local User Preferences

Action, UserName

Network DialUp Preferences

Action, ConnectionName

Network VPN Preferences

Action, ConnectionName

Power Power Options Preferences

Always Unique

Power Power Scheme Preferences

Action, Name, PowerScheme

Power Power Plan Preferences

Name, NameGuid

Printer Local Preferences

Action, Name

Printer Port Preferences

Action, IPAddress

Printer Shared Preferences

Action, Path

Task Trigger


Task Scheduled Preferences

Action, TaskName, AppName, Args

Task Immediate Preferences

TaskName, AppName, Args

Time Trigger


Daily Trigger

Type, DaysInterval

Weekly Trigger

Type, WeeksInterval

Monthly Trigger

Type, MonthsOfYear, DaysOfMonth

MonthlyDOW Trigger

Type, MonthsOfYear, DaysOfWeek, WeeksOfMonth

Event Trigger

Type, EventLog, EventSource, EventId

Idle Trigger


Logon Trigger

Type, UserID

Boot Trigger


Registration Trigger


Session State Change Trigger

Type, UserID, GroupID

Run Program Action

Action, Program, Arguments

Send Email Action

Action, To, From, Subject

Display Message Action

Action, Title

Task Scheduled V2 Preferences

Action, TaskName, Actions

Task Immediate V2 Preferences

Action, TaskName, Actions

Network Share Preferences

Action, ShareName (if action is delete), Path (if action not delete)

Services Preferences


Drive Preferences

Action, Drive Letter

Regional Options Preferences


Start Menu Preferences

Always Unique

Start Menu Vista Preferences

Always Unique

IE Preferences

Always Unique