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CICS SIT Details

Use this page to view the details for the System Initialization Table (SIT) named sit_name. If you have the required permissions, you can also:

  • Edit the configurable settings of the current SIT
  • Delete the current SIT
  • Create a new SIT, based on the settings in this SIT

Click Apply to save changes you make to the page. This button is displayed only if you have permission to edit the SIT.


Shows the name of the SIT.


Specify a short description of the SIT. The SIT description can contain the characters A-Z, 0-9, #, @, and $.

Startup List

Choose the startup list that you want to associate with this SIT from the dropdown list. The startup list determines which resources are loaded when the server is initialized.

Work Area

Specify the size of the region's common work area (CWA) in bytes in the range 0 through 32767. This area is shared among applications running in the region (enterprise server).


Specify the system ID of the region (enterprise server). (This is the name by which it is known to other regions.)

Initial Tran ID

Specify the ID of an initial transaction that runs on every terminal when it logs on to the region.

Auto Install Exit

Specify the name of the program to be used to autoinstall terminals. Choose from:

  • DFHZATDX - the autoinstall program supplied with MSS. This is the default value.
  • user-specified - the name of your autoinstall exit program. Up to 8 characters from 0 through 9, A through Z, @, # and $. The first character must not be numeric.
Date Format

Choose the display format used to display the date. This is used in conjunction with the FULLDATE (for four-digit years) or DATE (for two-digit years) operands of the EXEC CICS FORMATTIME command. This setting only determines the order of day, month, and year; it does not prevent four digits from being displayed.

3270 Print

Check this to indicate that the region supports a printer.

3270 SNA Simulate end-bracket

Check this if you want MSS to simulate SNA end-of-transaction keyboard unlock. You might want to do this if you have migrated applications that were accessed on the mainframe from SNA devices and are now using TN3270 clients to access them. It is an alternative to specifying the free keyboard bit in the CTLCHAR operand of the SEND 3270 CICS command.

Remote 3270

Check this to indicate that when a remote CICS region handles a START request shipped to it by this CICS region, and the terminal that should be started is not defined on the remote system, the remote region should assume that the terminal is defined on the originating system and should start a terminal anyway. If you leave this unchecked, the remote system returns a TERMIDERR to the originating region.


Specify Date for the character used to separate the day, month and year components of the date. You can specify any displayable character.

Specify Time for the character used to separate the hours, minutes and seconds components of the time. You can specify any displayable character.

Specify the format in which pointers are stored.

Native: pointers are stored in the format used by the operating system.

24: pointers are stored in a 24-bit format. This format is compatible with "below-the-line" storage on the mainframe, in which the top eight bits of the pointer are masked off when the address of a linkage item is set from the pointer. This means that the top eight bits can be manipulated directly by the user's code.

31: pointers are stored in a 31-bit format. This format is compatible with "above-the-line" storage on the mainframe, in which the top bit of the pointer is masked off when the address of a linkage item is set from the pointer. This means that the top bit can be manipulated directly by the user's code.

TCP Connect: Yes, Port

Not used.

ID Timeout

Specify the time in minutes that the system will allow an ESMAC or TN3270 client session to remain idle before logging off the user. A value of 0 indicates that there is no timeout. You can override this value at runtime by changing the ID Timeout on the ESMAC Control screen.

IBM Client

Check Yes to indicate that an IBM Universal Clients gateway is to be established when the region starts up.

Use Port to specify the TCP/IP port number to use for the Universal Clients gateway. This must match the TCP/IP port number you specify in the Universal Clients configuration file except that if you use the defaults, the value in the configuration file is 0 whereas the value here is 1435.

Use Count to specify the number of sessions you want allocated to servicing inbound requests per connection, where connection corresponds to a client machine.

Input Timeout

Specify the maximum time in seconds allowed for operator response to an explicit CICS RECEIVE command before the transaction is abended. A value of 0 indicates that there is no timeout. You can override this value at runtime by changing the Input Timeout on the ESMAC Control screen. You can also override this value for an individual transaction through the relevant Program Control Table entry.

Local Trace Entry Count (MFCS)

Specify the number of entries the local trace table for service execution processes can hold before it wraps back to the start. A value of 0 (zero) means that no local trace table is allocated. Each service execution process has its own local trace table. Each entry is 24 bytes long.

The default is the value specified in Local Trace Size on the Server > Properties > Diagnostics page in ES Admin. If you specify a value here it overrides that value.

Runaway Timeout

Specify the maximum continuous period of time in seconds that the region will allow a transaction to run without making a CICS, EZASOKET or MQSeries API call. When this time is exceeded, the transaction is abended. A value of 0 indicates that there is no timeout. You can override this value at runtime by changing the Runaway Timeout on the ESMAC Control screen. You can also override this value for an individual transaction through the relevant Program Control Table entry.

Local Trace Entry Count (AUX)

Specify the number of entries the local trace table for auxiliary processes can hold before it wraps back to the start. A value of 0 (zero) means that no local trace table is allocated. Auxiliary processes include processes that handle journal control, extra-partition transient data, etc. Each auxiliary process has its own local trace table. Each entry is 24 bytes long.

The default is the value specified in Local Trace Size on the Server > Properties > Diagnostics page in ES Admin. If you specify a value here it overrides that value.

Deadlock Timeout

Specify the maximum time in seconds that the region will permit an application to wait for a resource that has been locked by another process. A value of 0 indicates that there is no timeout. You can override this value at runtime by changing the Deadlock Timeout on the ESMAC Control screen. You can also override this value for an individual transaction through the relevant Program Control Table entry.

Transaction Threshold

Specify the maximum length of time in seconds that a transaction can run before a message is logged to the console to indicate that it has exceeded its threshold. A value of 0 indicates that there is no threshold.

The Transaction Threshold value can be overridden using the Transaction Threshold field of a PCT entry.


Check this to enable support for IBM MQSeries®.

Q Manager

Specify the name of the IBM MQSeries® queue manager. Can be up to 48 characters.


Check this to enable the transaction CKTI, which monitors the IBM MQSeries® initiation queue.

Initiation Q

Specify the name of the IBM MQSeries® initiation queue. Can be up to 48 characters.

Print Destination

Specify the printer destination, up to 14 characters in length. You must check 3270 Print before you specify a printer destination.

Program Lists

Use Post Initialization to specify a program list table (PLT) entry that specifies the initialization programs to be run when the region is started. If you leave this field blank then no special processing is done when the region is started.

Use Shut Down to specify a program list table (PLT) entry that specifies the shutdown programs to be run when the region is stopped. If you leave this field blank then no special processing is done when the region is stopped.


Check this to create a dedicated Fileshare server process as part of region startup.

Fileshare User

Specify the user ID to be used by the region to log on to all Fileshare servers that MSS is configured to use. Can be up to 20 characters. You should specify a user ID only if Fileshare security is enabled. If you specify a user ID, you must also specify a password in Password. The user ID and password combination must correspond to an entry in the password file of each Fileshare server the region is to access.

For more information about Fileshare security, see the chapter Security in the Fileshare Guide.


Specify the 20-character password used in conjunction with User ID to log on to all Fileshare servers that MSS is configured to use. There are two password fields; you need to enter the password in both fields, and the two entries must match. Can be up to 20 characters.

Ext. Shutdown

Choose the type of external shutdown that you want. An external shutdown is a shutdown of the server initiated by you clicking Shutdown on the Control page, Stop Server on the Enterprise Server Administration Server Details page, or issuing a casstop command. You can choose from:

  • Allowed: no special privileges are required
  • Logon: a successful logon must be made first
  • None: no external shutdown is allowed
Note: If you choose Logon, you cannot shut down the server by clicking Stop Server on the Enterprise Server Administration Server Details page. You must use casstop and must supply an ESMAC user ID and password.
Ext. Shutdown, Security Key

Specify a security key number. MSS checks this against the shutdown security key specified when you shut down the region. You need to specify a security key number only if you choose Logon in External Shutdown.

CICS Release

Choose the version of CICS that MSS is emulating. This is the number returned by an EXEC CICS INQUIRE SYSTEM RELEASE () command.


Check this to have MSS reload programs each time they are invoked. This applies only to programs that are not marked resident and have not been loaded with the hold attribute.

Development SIT

Check this to indicate that this is a development SIT. The effect of this is:

  • If you have defined a group with the same name as the SIT, the group is automatically added to the startup list
  • Security is turned off even if the group has security turned on

Check this to have MSS wait on each terminal control or BMS SEND operation until it receives a response. If you leave the box unchecked (the default) MSS does not wait on each SEND, thus enabling terminal control and send operations to be buffered, which improves performance.


Specify the minimum amount of storage to be allocated to the communications area (COMMAREA) to allow MSS to behave like mainframe CICS. The size is in the range 0 through 32767. The effect of this is that when a program is passed a COMMAREA smaller than the COMMAREA defined in the program, the passed COMMAREA is automatically extended in length to fill the defined space.

Defer Install

Choose the number of PCT groups whose loading you want to defer.

If you choose None, all PCT entries are loaded into memory when the region starts up. This is the default.

If you choose All groups, none of the PCT entries are loaded into memory when the region starts up.

If you choose one of the other values, Last 63 groups, Last 62 groups and so on, the PCT entries in those groups are not loaded into memory when the region starts up. For example, if you choose Last 3 groups, the last three groups in the startup list's precedence order are not loaded into memory when the region starts up.

Dump On, Abend

Check this to indicate that MSS should produce a dump if an abend occurs in any of your transaction programs. If you check this field, then you can control whether or not a dump is produced for an individual program by checking or unchecking Dump on ABEND on the PCT page. If you leave this field unchecked, MSS ignores the setting of Dump on ABEND on the PCT page.

Dump On, System Abend

Check this to indicate that MSS should produce a dump if an abend occurs in its own code.

Aux Trace

Check this to indicate that trace records are to be written to a file. You should do this only if you have adequate disk space available, since the file can become very big very quickly. Writing out to a file also degrades performance.

Cold Start

Check this to indicate that the auxiliary trace and dump file is to be deleted at region startup.

Trace Points

Choose a setting to apply to all the trace points:

  • On - enables all trace points.
  • Off - disables all trace points.
Note: When you set all the trace points on at once, the trace points CCI, fh and fh-enable are unaffected. This is because these trace points should be used only when advised by Micro Foucs.

Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its dump control component.


Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its terminal control component.


Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its table management component.


Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace the user exits.


Do not check this unless advised by Micro Focus.


Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its messages component.


Do not check this unless advised by Micro Focus.


Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its journal control component.


Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its storage control component.


Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace the CICS API calls.


Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its interval control component.


Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its temporary storage/transient data (TS/TD) component.


Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its file control component.


Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its task control component.


Check this to enable user trace.


Do not check this unless advised by Micro Focus.


Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its communications component.

Temp. Storage

Check Cold Start to indicate that MSS should reset temporary storage queues at region startup.

Specify a Fileshare server ID for non-recoverable temporary storage queues.

Specify the path of the Fileshare server for non-recoverable temporary storage queues.

Recoverable (recoverable temporary storage queues)

Check Cold Start to indicate that MSS should reset temporary storage queues at region startup.

Specify a Fileshare server ID for recoverable temporary storage queues.

Specify the path of the Fileshare server for recoverable temporary storage queues.

Transient Data

Check Cold Start to indicate that MSS should reset transient data queues at region startup.

Specify a Fileshare server ID for non-recoverable transient data queues.

Check Require Def. to indicate that a transaction program executing in this region can create a transient data queue only if it has been defined in the destination control table (DCT). Applies only to intrapartition transient data queues.

Specify the path of the Fileshare server for non-recoverable transient data queues.

Recoverable (recoverable transient data queues)

Check Cold Start to indicate that MSS should reset transient data queues at region startup.

Specify a Fileshare server ID for recoverable transient data queues.

Specify the path of the Fileshare server for recoverable transient data queues.

Basic Mapping Page Commands

Use Retrieve to specify the character string that BMS control is to interpret as the BMS paging command RETRIEVE.

Use Chain to specify the character string that BMS control is to interpret as the BMS paging command CHAIN

Use Purge to specify the character string that BMS control is to interpret as the BMS paging command PURGE

Use Copy to specify the character string that BMS control is to interpret as the BMS paging command COPY

Single Key

For each key from PF1 through PF24 and PA1 through PA3, specify a character string on the PC that is to equate to a BMS paging command.


Click this to delete the current SIT. You see this button only if you have editing permissions for the SIT.


Click this to create a new SIT, based on the entries in the current SIT.


Click this to create and view dump information for this SIT.

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