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Browsing the ADAM Repository

You can use the Microsoft ADSIEdit utility to view the ES areas of your LDAP repository. One version of this tool (ADAM-adsiedit.msc) is included with ADAM; server versions of Windows that include Active Directory have a somewhat different version. In either case, you can run it from the Start Menu. This section discusses using the ADAM version to view the repository, but the procedure for using the AD version is similar.

Start ADSIEdit, then:

  1. Select Actions > Connect to..., which lets you create a view of a part of the repository.
  2. Create a connection to the ES application partition:
    • Connection name "MF"
    • Server name "localhost" and port "389"
    • Option "Distinguished name (DN) or naming context"
    • "CN=Micro Focus,CN=Program Data,DC=local" as the DN
    • Option "The account of the currently logged-on user"
  3. Click OK.

Now the left-hand pane should contain a tree view item named "MF". If you expand this item, and then the container within it, you will see the ES containers such as "CN=Enterprise Server Users", the container "CN=ADAM Users" which has the definition of the MFReader user, and automatically-generated containers such as "CN=Roles".

You can open these containers and double-click on the objects within them to view (or edit) their attributes.

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