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call "CBL_AUDIT_EVENT" using by value     flags
                             by reference component-id
                             by reference audit-event
                                returning status-code
Table 1. Parameters
  Typedef Picture
flags cblt-x4-comp5 pic x(4) comp-5
component-id pic x(n) pic x(n)
audit-event cblt-aud-event Group containing
cblte-audevt-version cblt-x4-comp5 pic x(4) comp-5
cblte-audevt-flags cblt-x4-comp5 pic x(4) comp-5
cblte-audevt-id cblt-x4-comp5 pic x(4) comp-5
cblte-audevt-category cblt-x4-comp5 pic x(4) comp-5
cblte-audevt-data-count cblt-x4-comp5 pic x(4) comp-5
cblte-audevt-reserved1 cblt-x4-comp5 pic x(4) comp-5 occurs 7
cblte-audevt-event-len cblt-pointer pointer
cblte-audevt-event-type cblt-pointer pointer
cblte-audevt-event-data cblt-pointer pointer
cblte-audevt-reserved2 cblt-pointer pointer occurs 7

On entry

Control flags

Bit Value Meaning
0-12 Reserved for future use (must be 0)
13 0 cblte-audevt-event-data is an array of pointers to trace data of varying size and type. The corresponding elements of the cblte-audevt-event-len and cblte-audevt-event-type arrays need to be set up.
  1 cblte-audevt-event-data is an array of pointers to trace data of the same size and type. Only the first element of cblte-audevt-event-len and cblte-audevt-event-type need to be set up.
14-29   Reserved for future use (must be 0)
30 0 component-id is space-terminated
  1 component-id is null-terminated
    (ignored if bit 31 unset)
31 0 component-id is an audit handle created by CBL_AUDIT_HANDLE_GET (pic x(4) comp-5).
  1 component-id is a text string (pic x(n)) . The termination character for the string is defined by bit 30.
Component identifier. This will either be a pic x(4) comp-5 tracer handle (See CBL_AUDIT_HANDLE_GET() - Get an Audit Handle for details about how a component acquires an audit handle) if bit 31 of flags is not set, or a pic x(n) text identifier if bit 31 of flags is set.
Structure version. Must be 0.
Control flags. Must be 0.
Component specific audit event identifier used to identify the type of event being output
Category of the audit event being output.
Value Category 
0 Unknown 
1 Audit Facility 
2 System 
3 Security API request check 
4 Security API request define 
5 Security API request other 
6 Security API result allow 
7 Security API result deny 
8 Security API result error 
9 Security API result success 
Number of audit data items. Indicates the number of elements in the cblte-audevt-event-len, cblte-audevt-event-type, and cblte-audevt-event-data arrays. May be 0.
Pointer to array of 4-byte comp-5 items. Each array element indicates the length of the corresponding audit data item in the cblte-audevt-event-data array. May be NULL if cblte-audevt-data-count is 0.
Pointer to array of 4-byte comp-5 items. Each array element indicates the type of the corresponding audit data item in the cblte-sudevt-event-data array. May be NULL if cblte-audevt-data-count is 0.
Value Type 
0 Binary 
1 Text (local encoding) 
2 Address 
3 COMP-5 
5 UTF8 
6 Signed COMP-5 
7 Signed COMP-X 
Pointer to array of pointer items. Each array element addresses an audit data item of the type and length indicated by the corresponding element in the cblte-audevt-event-type and cblte-audevt-event-len arrays respectively. May be NULL if cblte-audevt-data-count is 0.

N.B. for address type items, the array element is the address value, and not a pointer to the address value.

On Exit:


Return Codes:





copy "mfaudit.cpy".

78 78-EVENT-TYPE-A      value 1.
78 78-EVENT-TYPE-B      value 2.

01 audit-event          cblt-aud-event.
01 audit-event-lengths  pic x(4) comp-5 occurs 1.
01 audit-event-pointers pointer occurs 1.
01 audit-event-types    pic x(4) comp-5 occurs 1.
01 audit-handle         pic x(4) comp-5.
01 audit-info           pic x(10).
01 component-id         pic x(7) value "mycomp ".
01 flags                pic x(4) comp-5.

move low-values to audit-event

set cblte-audevt-event-len of audit-event to
    address of audit-event-lengths(1)
set cblte-audevt-event-type of audit-event to
    address of audit-event-types(1)
set cblte-audevt-event-data of audit-event
    to address of audit-event-pointers(1)

1) Acquire an audit handle to trace "mycomp" component audit events, and then output two audit events: one with event data, one without.

call "CBL_AUDIT_HANDLE_GET" using by value 0
                                  by reference component-id
                                  by reference audit-handle
move 0 to flags
     cblte-audevt-category of audit-event
move 78-EVENT-TYPE-A to cblte-audevt-id of audit-event
move 1 to cblte-audevt-data-count of audit-event
move length of audit-info to audit-event-lengths(1)
move 78-AUDIT-EVENT-TYPE-TEXT to audit-event-types(1)
set audit-event-pointers(1) to address of audit-info

call "CBL_AUDIT_EVENT" using by value flags 
                             by reference audit-handle
                             by reference audit-event
move 78-EVENT-TYPE-B to cblte-audevt-id of audit-event
move 0 to cblte-audevt-data-count of audit-event

call "CBL_AUDIT_EVENT" using by value flags 
                             by reference audit-handle
                             by reference audit-event

2) Output two informational events for the "mycomp" component without acquiring an audit handle

move 78-AUD-FLAG-COMPID-STRING to flags
     cblte-audevt-category of audit-event
move 78-EVENT-TYPE-A to cblte-audevt-id of audit-event
move 1 to cblte-audevt-data-count of audit-event
move length of audit-info to audit-event-lengths(1)
move 78-AUDIT-EVENT-TYPE-TEXT to audit-event-types(1)
set audit-event-pointers(1) to address of audit-info

call "CBL_AUDIT_EVENT" using by value flags 
                             by reference component-id
                             by reference audit-event
move 78-EVENT-TYPE-B to cblte-audevt-id of audit-event
move 0 to cblte-audevt-data-count of audit-event

call "CBL_AUDIT_EVENT" using by value flags 
                             by reference component-id
                             by reference audit-event

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