2.1 Installation During the Initial Installation Process

To install the Micro Focus SMT add-on together with your base system during the initial installation process, follow these steps:

NOTE:The installation steps are same across OES 2018 SP2, SLES 12 SP4, and SLES 12 SP5, unless called out specifically.

  1. Start OES or SLES installation. For more information, see the OES or SLES documentation.

  2. To include the Micro Focus SMT add-on product, check the I would like to install an additional Add On product option during the installation and, if you are installing from a local ISO image, select Local ISO Image as the media type (repository). If you are installing from a different source, such as CD, NFS, or HTTP, choose the appropriate type. Then click Next.

  3. If you are installing from a CD, insert the add-on product CD. If you are installing from a different source, provide the necessary repository information.

  4. (Conditional - SLES) Click Trust to import the key found in repository.

  5. The SMT add-on product is displayed in the overview. Continue with the installation as usual. Make sure that the Micro Focus Subscription Management Tool installation pattern is selected automatically and do not remove it.

  6. Confirm the Packages notifications and click OK.

  7. Continue with the OES or SLES installation.

  8. On successfully completing OES or SLES installation, perform an initial SMT configuration using YaST > Network Services > Micro Focus SMT Configuration Wizard or using the command yast2 smt-wizard as described in SMT Configuration Wizard.