JCLAM0180 - JCLAM0230
JCLAM0180S Unexpected return code return-code from jseb-func-enq-ds
Indicates an internal error detected by jseb-func-enq-ds.
JCLAM0181S Unexpected return code % from jseb-func-deq-ds
Indicates an internal error detected by jseb-func-deq-ds.
JCLAM0182U Unexpected return code % from jseb-func-info-job
Indicates an internal error detected by jseb-func-info-job.
JCLAM0183S Character set mismatch. Copied without conversion
You are trying to copy an ASCII dataset to an EBCDIC one, or vice versa.
JCLAM0184I OS Copy used to perform this REPRO
Informational only.
JCLAM0185S OS Copy operation for this REPRO failed with RC=return-code
JCLAM0186I Incompatible data set attributes. OSCOPY ignored.
A full copy operation was done, instead of using the copy facility provided by the operating system as you requested.
JCLAM0221S Insufficient authority to define new dataset %
Lack of permissions to perform this action.
JCLAM0222S Insufficient authority to read dataset %
Lack of permissions to perform this action.
JCLAM0223S Insufficient authority to update dataset %
Lack of permissions to perform this action.
JCLAM0224E Insufficient authority to delete dataset %
Lack of permissions to perform this action.
JCLAM0225E Insufficient authority to alter/change dataset %
Lack of permissions to perform this action.
JCLAM0226U Insufficient authority for SYSPRINT dataset %
Lack of permissions to perform this action.
JCLAM0227U Insufficient authority for SYSIN dataset %
Lack of permissions to perform this action.
JCLAM0228I Record n out of key sequence.
The record has a key that is less than or equal to the key of the previous record.
JCLAM0229E Record n out of key sequence.
The record has a key that is less than or equal to the key of the previous record.
JCLAM0230S Insufficient authority to use PCDSN dataset %
Lack of permissions to perform this action.
Parent topic:
JCLAM Error Messages