The first task is to create a solution and a project. A solution is a container holding one or more projects that work together to create an application. The solution has the extension .sln, and is a readable text file. Microsoft recommends you do not edit the file outside of Visual Studio.
A COBOL project has the extension .cblproj, and again this is a readable file, but Microsoft recommends that you do not edit it. Different types of project have different extensions, so for example a C# project has the extension .csproj.
In this section, you create a project and solution, as follows:
Notice that the Name and Solution Name fields have the same name. Changing either one of them automatically changes the other.
For example, if you create a folder on your c: drive called tutorials, change the location field to c:\tutorials. The solution will be stored in a subdirectory Locking, according to the project name.
This creates a solution and a project. The Solution Explorer shows the Locking project. It contains: