
StarTeam provides many Classic reports for each component that you can use as is or customize. Each report is generated using a series of template files that reside in the folder you designated during installation. For example, if you used the default installation path for the Cross-Platform Client on a Microsoft Windows platform, the Reports folder is c:\Program Files\Micro Focus\StarTeam Cross-Platform Client <version>\samples\details-templates\.

To customize the reports, you can open and edit the report templates in any text editor or HTML tool.

Tip: To customize the directory where the reports are located, open and edit the starteamcp.stjava{32|64} file. Add the following option:

Template Files

The template files provided for each report are listed below.

Detail with Description
<component>Detail with Description.Title
<component>Detail with Description.Name
<component>Detail with Description.GrpInfo
<component>Detail with Description.Group1
<component>Detail with Description.Group2
<component>Detail with Description.EndReport
Grouping Summary
<component>Grouping Summary.Title
<component>Grouping Summary.Name
<component>Grouping Summary.GroupSummary
<component>Grouping Summary.EndReport
Summary with Description
<component>Summary with description.Title
<component>Summary with description.Name
<component>Summary with description.GrpInfo
<component>Summary with description.Group1
<component>Summary with description.EndReport

Understanding the Template Files

The report template file names are composed as <component><name>.<type>. The table below describes each template file type.

In the .Title templates, the report title is represented with the ~~ReportTitle~~ tag. In these templates, you might want to add your company’s logo, change the font or size, etc.
The .GrpInfo templates contain information describing the group, which is represented as the ~~GroupingInfo~~ tag.
The .Groupx files are processed in the numerical order in which they are found. The numbers do not have to be contiguous. The application searches for .Group1 through .Group9 as it creates a record for each item in the report. The names of the fields in the component are individually specified within the double tildes (~~). You must use the correct SQL name. The fields’ data will replace the SQL name and the double tildes. To appear in the report, all the specified fields must be displayed in the upper pane at the time the report is generated. Otherwise, those fields are skipped.
The .GroupSummary templates are used when totalling the items in a group. The group is represented with the ~~GroupingInfo~~ tag.
This template ends your report. It may include the following total tags: ~~TotalHistoryCount~~ ~~TotalRecordCount~~ ~~TotalLinkCount~~