By default, a view has a current configuration – that is, it displays the latest revisions of the items in the project. However, you can roll back a view to a past state based on a label, promotion state, or a point in time. Note that rolling back a view in this way configures it for the current user only.
When you roll back a view, this action prevents it from changing, until you select Current Configuration or close the project, which automatically changes the view to Current. You cannot check in files, update change requests, and so on in a rolled-back view because you cannot change the past.
When you configure a view, you can base it on a promotion state. Whether the state is assigned to Current or to a specific view label, any view configured to a promotion state is read-only. This read-only status can create problems for a user who needs to, for example, both look at files as they existed earlier and create new change requests. Because CRs can only be added to a current configuration, the user may need to have two windows open for the view: one configured to a point in the past and one set to the current configuration.