Checking Out Files

  1. On the File tab in the upper pane, select one or more files.
    Note: You can check out files with a status of Current, Out Of Date, or Missing. You can also check out files with a status of Modified, however, you will be warned that continuing the check-out will overwrite files in your local working folder with the tip revision in StarTeam.
  2. Choose File > Check Out or File > Check Out All to open the Check Out dialog box.
  3. Optionally, check Force Check Out to overwrite any files with the same name in your working folder, even if they are more recent.
  4. Select one of the following options in the Reference By group for the files you wish to check out:
    Current Revision
    The most current (tip) revision.
    A specific file revision. The existing view and revision labels are listed in reverse chronological order based on the time at which they were created. The view labels precede the revision labels in the list.
    Promotion State
    A specific promotion state.
    As Of
    The revision that was the tip revision at the specified date and time. Click the Date/Year button to use the calendar, and specify the time by typing in the time or using the spin boxes.
  5. Select a Lock status option:
    Releases your lock on the files after check-in.
    Indicates that you intend to make further changes to the files.
    Indicates that you are working on the files and may possibly make changes.
    Keep current
    Retains the current lock status.
  6. Optionally, click Advanced to open the Advanced Options dialog box.
    1. Select Default working file location, or if you want to check the files out to a folder other than your designated working folder, select Other in the Check Out Location group box . If you select Other, browse for the folder name.
    2. In the EOL Conversion area, click None or one of the other radio buttons to change your current EOL conversion setting for checking out text-based files. For Windows, the EOL marker is CR-LF (carriage return/line feed); for UNIX, it is LF (line feed); for Macintosh operating systems, it is CR (carriage return). EOL settings on this dialog override the default setting you selected on the File tab of the Personal Options dialog box.
    3. Select an appropriate File Encoding from the drop-down list to support keyword expansion for non-English code pages.
    4. Click Close to return to the Check Out dialog box.
  7. Click OK.
Note: You can also use the Check Out button on the toolbar to check out files without using the Check Out dialog box. If process rules are required, the Check Out dialog box will open automatically.