Connecting to a Server Configuration

StarTeam stores all projects on the StarTeam Server, which may contain numerous server configurations. You can access one or more StarTeam Server from the application. However, if you have more than one server configuration running on the same computer, each server configuration must use a unique protocol and port combination. After the server is added, you can access whatever projects are available for the current server configuration of that StarTeam Server.

Managing StarTeam Server access includes adding, deleting, or modifying the server configuration properties. You can accomplish these tasks as part of creating or opening a project in one of the clients or from the Server Administration tool.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In your client, click Project > New or Project > Open .
    • On the StarTeam Server, click Start > Programs > Micro Focus > StarTeam Server xxxx > StarTeam Server . These actions display the Server Administration tool.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click Add Server in the New Project or Open Project wizard.
    • Click Server > Add Server in the Server Administration tool.
  3. Type a unique, easy-to-remember description in the Server description field. It is not case-sensitive and may contain colons (:)
  4. Type or browse for the computer name or IP address in the Server address field.
    Note: See your administrator for the server address, protocol, and endpoint information. Your administrator can also tell you what MPX profile to use if your server configuration uses StarTeamMPX.
  5. Type the endpoint (TCP/IP port number) associated with the protocol in the TCP/IP endpoint field.
  6. Choose to specify any of the following optional settings:
    Compress transferred data
    Check if you want to use compression.
    Encryption type
    Select to encrypt data transferred between your workstation and the StarTeam Server. Encryption protects files and other project information from being read by unauthorized parties over unsecured network lines. The encryption types are ordered (top to bottom) based on speed. Each type is slower, but safer, than the type that precedes it.
    MPX Profiles
    Click and choose a different profile if you are using StarTeamMPX on the client and do not want to use the default profile (usually Unicast On-site).
  7. Optionally, click Properties to review the connection properties of the selected profile.
  8. Click OK.