Occasionally, you may want to copy a revision label. For example, if you move or share an item from one view (source view) to another (target view), labels from the source view do not become part of target view. However, by copying the revision labels after the move or share, you can selectively maintain revision labels on the moved or shared items.
Copying a revision label immediately attaches it to the same revisions of the same items as the original revision label. If the two revision labels are in the same view, each label will be attached to the same number of items. However, if the two revision labels are in different views, the new label becomes attached to the same revisions of the same items only if the items and their revisions exist in the new label's view at the time of the copy operation.
Although you can copy revision labels in a variety of ways, the following procedure allows you to copy a revision label whether it is in the current view or in another accessible view. It assumes that you are dealing with files, but can be adapted for other types of items.
The new revision label is attached to the same revisions as the existing label.