File status information about the files you are working on is stored on your workstation either in a central location or in a child folder (named .sbas) of each working folder.
You can set the file status property for a specific view. The view property defaults to the storage method that you selected as a personal option. When changed from that default, the view property take precedence over your personal option for the view.
The per-folder option is most useful in the special case where multiple users are sharing a working folder. For example, on a shared network drive.
For example, suppose several users all check files in and out of a shared working folder. If these users have set the central repository option for file statuses, the statuses are stored on each of their computers. Whenever a user makes a change to a file in the working folder, the status for that file is undated only on that user’s computer. Everyone else sees the status Unknown for that file. Over time, all the files may have been changed, and the statuses can become Unknown for all users of all files. Using the per-folder option causes the statuses to be updated within the working folder itself. Everyone has access to those status changes and Unknown statuses do not occur.