Sample Topic Template

Use the following sample for customizing the Detail pane for this component.

<b>Flag User List</b>: ~~FlagUserList~~<br>
<b>Version</b>: ~~RevisionNumber~~<br>
<b>Status</b>: ~~Status~~<br>
<b>Read Status User List</b>: ~~ReadStatusUserList~~<br>
<b>Modified Time</b>: ~~ModifiedTime~~<br>
<b>Attachment IDs</b>: ~~AttachmentIDs~~<br>
<b>Created Time</b>: ~~CreatedTime~~<br>
<b>Content</b>: ~~Description~~<br>
<b>Share State</b>: ~~ShareState~~<br>
<b>CommentID</b>: ~~CommentID~~<br>
<b>Created By</b>: ~~CreatedUserID~~<br>
<b>Deleted Time</b>: ~~DeletedTime~~<br>
<b>Children Count</b>: ~~ChildrenCount~~<br>
<b>Title</b>: ~~Title~~<br>
<b>Non-Exclusive Lockers</b>: ~~NonExclusiveLockers~~<br>
<b>Topic Number</b>: ~~TopicNumber~~<br>
<b>Recipient IDs</b>: ~~RecipientIDs~~<br>
<b>Short Comment</b>: ~~ShortComment~~<br>
<b>Recipient Count</b>: ~~RecipientCount~~<br>
<b>Locked By</b>: ~~ExclusiveLocker~~<br>
<b>Folder Path</b>: ~~Folder Path~~<br>
<b>Object ID</b>: ~~ID~~<br>
<b>Flag</b>: ~~Flag~~<br>
<b>Recipient Names</b>: ~~RecipientNames~~<br>
<b>Read Only</b>: ~~ReadOnly~~<br>
<b>My Lock</b>: ~~MyLock~~<br>
<b>Configuration Time</b>: ~~ConfigurationTime~~<br>
<b>Comment</b>: ~~Comment~~<br>
<b>Revision Flags</b>: ~~RevisionFlags~~<br>
<b>End Modified Time</b>: ~~EndModifiedTime~~<br>
<b>Am I Recipient?</b>: ~~AmIRecipient~~<br>
<b>New Revision Comment</b>: ~~NewRevisionComment~~<br>
<b>Attachment Count</b>: ~~AttachmentCount~~<br>
<b>Type</b>: ~~Type~~<br>
<b>Priority</b>: ~~Priority~~<br>
<b>Modified By</b>: ~~ModifiedUserID~~<br>
<b>Deleted By</b>: ~~DeletedUserID~~<br>
<b>Attachment names</b>: ~~AttachmentNames~~<br>
<b>Dot Notation</b>: ~~DotNotation~~<br>
<b>Read Status</b>: ~~ReadStatus~~<br>
<b>Parent Topic ID</b>: ~~ParentTopicID~~<br>

Fields Used in Detail Pane Templates

The fields used in the Detail pane of the HTML templates are recognized by the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client when they are contained between double tilde ~~ characters. For example: ~~Status~~ represents the status field found in the Topic Properties dialog box.

Note: You can use the fields listed in this sample template in other templates provided with the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client such as, report templates and email notification templates.