You verify resolved change requests by following the steps below. If you determine that a change request is not really resolved,
you can reopen it.
Select a folder from the folder tree.
Click the
Change Requests tab in the upper pane.
Tip: To find all change requests in a folder, click
All Descendants on the toolbar. If desired, you can create a filter or query to find all change requests with
New status or simply sort the
Status column in the upper pane to find all
New change requests.
Double-click the change request. The
Change Request <number, revision #> dialog box opens.
Change the status to
Open or
StarTeam has the following verified statuses:
Verified As Designed
Verified Cannot Reproduce
Verified Documented
Verified Fixed
Verified Is Duplicate
If you change the status to
Open, type the word
Reopen and the date in the
Synopsis field. Otherwise, the team member who resolved the change request may think that he or she forgot to mark it resolved and,
without investigating further, mark it resolved a second time.
When you re-open a change request,
StarTeam automatically does the following:
Places the name of the person who resolved the change request in the
Responsibility field. The assumption is that the person who resolved the change request the first time should be the person to continue
working on it.
Blanks out the setting for the
Addressed in build field. The assumption is that the change request has not been resolved and, therefore, has not been addressed in any build.
Do one of the following:
Apply, then click the
Next or
Previous button to verify another change request.