Copying Queries

StarTeam allows you to create new queries quickly by copying an existing query and editing it. Using this feature saves time because you do not have to recreate the query conditions.

  1. Choose Filters > Queries .
    The Queries dialog box opens.
  2. Select a query from the list.
  3. Click Copy. The Copy Query dialog box opens.
    Tip: Public queries have a multi-user icon to the left of the query name. Private queries have a single-user icon.
  4. Type a name for the query in the Query Name field.
  5. Select the Public check box to add this query to the project (and the server configuration), allowing anyone with the appropriate access rights to use it. If you do not check the Public check box, the query will be private, that is, available only to your user ID.
  6. Click OK.
    The new query displays in the Queries dialog box.
  7. To change the conditions in the query, select it from the Queries dialog box and click Edit. The Edit Query dialog box opens.
  8. Edit the appropriate nodes of the tree.
  9. Click Save. The Queries dialog box opens.
    Note: If you do not have the access rights to create a public query for this project, you can create a private query.
  10. Click Close.
Note: If this is a public query, you might want to set access rights for it.