StarTeam Toolbar

The StarTeam Toolbar is a component of StarTeam which is designed to make it easier for you to log on to multiple servers and to launch different programs. The StarTeam Toolbar automatically caches the user name and password used to log on to each StarTeam server, reducing the number of times you must log on to the same server to perform certain operations. It runs only on the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems.

The toolbar is initially populated with shortcuts for the tools installed on your workstation. Because the StarTeam Toolbar uses the standard Microsoft Windows program shortcut feature, you can add any other program as a tool.

You can customize the toolbar by either:

Options Pane

The options pane enables you to:

  • Specify which portions of its user interface are visible (none, system tray only, window only, or system tray and window). By default, only the Toolbar Utility system tray icon is displayed.
  • Use the same user name and password for each server, so you do not have to log on to other servers where that user name and password is valid.
  • Add program shortcuts as tools on the StarTeam Toolbar, so you can easily start those tools. (You can also modify or delete an existing tool).
  • Display the StarTeam Toolbar help information or About dialog.

Cached Server/User Associations Pane

When you log onto a server and you select the Save as default credentials for this server in the Log On dialog box, the StarTeam Toolbar caches the user name and password you have used to log onto that server. (You can override the automatic log on feature when necessary.

When you clear the Use same user name/ password for each server, you can save a different user name and password for each server. When you have the StarTeam Toolbar expanded, the lower portion of the window displays the cached server/user associations information about the currently cached server/user associations. The table displays the following:

  • The Server Type column shows the type of server.
  • The Host Name column shows the network name of the machine where the server is located.
  • The Port column shows the port number of a particular server configuration, so you can distinguish between multiple servers running on the same machine.
  • The User Name column shows the user name portion of the default credentials saved for that server.

If necessary, you can resize the columns in the table or the entire window, to better display the current information. When you select the Use same user name/ password for each server option, the StarTeam Toolbar automatically uses the first saved user name and password for each additional server you try to access, so you do not have to log onto other servers where that user name and password is valid.

Note: Exiting the StarTeam Toolbar clears the cached information.