Pulling Solutions or Projects (.NET Only)

Pulling a solution from a repository configures your connection to that solution in the repository and deposits the solution in your own workspace. When you pull a solution, you also pull in the projects contained in that solution. In a team environment, it connects you to the network of users who can make changes in that solution.

Pulling a project from a repository configures your connection to that project in the repository and deposits the project in your own workspace. When you pull in a project, you are only pulling in the project, not the project’s solution. In a team environment, it connects you to the network of users who can make changes in that project. You can pull the project into an existing solution or create a new solution to hold the pulled project.

  1. Choose StarTeam > Pull Solution or StarTeam > Pull Project
    Note: If none of the StarTeam Servers in your server list match the server address (IP address or domain name) of the server configuration used to check in the solution, you are asked if you want to indicate a specific server to use for the server address.
    Depending upon your above selection, either the Pull Solution from StarTeam dialog box or Pull Project from StarTeam dialog box opens.
  2. Complete the following fields:
    StarTeam Server
    Select the server configuration where the solution will be stored, and log onto it. If the server configuration you want to use does not appear on the list, click Servers to add a new server or change the properties of an existing server.
    Project Name
    Select the name of the StarTeam project.
    View Path
    Select an existing view.
    Folder Path
    Optionally, choose a different folder than the default folder. By default, the folder path is set to the folder with a working path that is the same as the root working folder of the solution.
    Local Working Path
    Type a path to an empty local directory (new or existing) to store the solution, or click Browse to browse to a directory. This directory becomes the local workspace for the solution. The default value is based on the default working folder specified by the team member who placed the solution into StarTeam.
  3. Specify the Visual Studio solution file (.sln) you want to pull in the Root Project File field if pulling a solution. If pulling a project, specify the Visual Studio project file (.csproj, .vbproj, and so on) you want to pull in the Root Project File field.
  4. Click OK to pull the solution or project from the repository.