StarTeam Visual Studio Plugin Check In Dialog Boxes

In the StarTeam Visual Studio Plugin, the Add Files, StarTeam Pending Check-ins, Check In Files, and Commit Files for <YourProjectName> dialog boxes (collectively, the Check In dialog boxes) enable you to add summary and/or detail comments or associate the files shown in the Check In dialog boxes with shortcut items.

After making the associations and adding summary or detail comments, you can opt to close the dialog box without checking in, committing, or adding the files to the repository. The comments and associations that you make in the Check In dialog boxes are saved and persist even when closing the Microsoft Visual Studio solution.

Using the Check In dialog boxes:

  • You can associate item shortcuts and active process items to the files that you are checking in, adding, or committing. When selecting a StarTeam shortcut from the list provided in the Check In dialog boxes, you can associate the appropriate file(s) with the shortcut by marking them in the file list at the bottom of the dialog box.
  • If you have created item shortcuts, or if you have set an active process Item, you can choose the desired shortcut item from the available list in the dialog box, and the corresponding files associated with the selection are automatically selected in the file list at the bottom of the dialog box.
  • You can add summary and/or detail comments to the files that you are checking in, adding, or committing.
  • Close the dialog box without adding, committing, or checking in the files to StarTeam, and the shortcut associations that you made and the summary/detail comments that you entered are saved and persist even when you close the solution.


The toolbar provides quick access to operations that you might need when checking in files, such as adding comments, comparing file contents, and associating StarTeam shortcuts with check in items.

Tip: The shortcuts that you create for change requests, requirements, and tasks display in a list in the Check In dialog boxes. You can use these dialog boxes to associate StarTeam shortcuts to files that you are checking in, adding, or committing to StarTeam. Additionally, you can set active process items and they will also display in the list in the Check In dialog boxes. The associations that you make in the Check In dialog boxes are saved even if you close the dialog box without completing the add, check in, or commit operation. These associations persist even when you close your solution.

Comment Field

The comment field enables you to add summary comments and/or detail comments for the files that you are checking in.

Summary comments are intended to provide a generic description for all files. When adding files, the system uses the Summary Comment as the file description. The comment is associated with the file revision.

When you select an item from the File Check In List at the bottom of the dialog box, and click Detail Comment, you can enter a detail comment for the selected file. With the Detail Comment field shown, you can optionally decide whether to include a Summary Comment for selected file.

File Check In List

This area of the dialog box displays the list of files to check in. Use the check boxes at the left of the filename to designate which files to check in. Right clicking on a file opens a context menu with Open and Find commands. The Open command opens the selected file in the code editor. The Find command opens the StarTeam embedded client with the corresponding file selected.

File List and Options Tabs

The File List tab displays by default when you open one of the Check In dialog boxes. The Options tab contains optional properties that you can specify, such as setting the lock status, forcing a check in, deleting working files, linking and pinning process items, specifying revision labels, and setting EOL conversion options.