A simple but often overlooked measure you can take to smooth out administrative operations in your environment is to deploy
StarTeam Server configuration as a test server. Your test server can use lower-cost hardware than your production server, but it should be
capable of running on a backup copy of your production server. With this capability, your test server can provide many useful
benefits, including:
- You can test new SDK applications, workflow rules, release procedures, and so forth on the test server without fear of unwanted
side-effects to your production server.
- You can use the test server to stage new releases of
StarTeam and simulate upgrade and migrate operations before applying them to the production server.
- You can use the test server for training new developers and administrators.
- You can test backup and recovery procedures for your organization. Once you are sure your emergency procedures are functional,
you can use the test server as a backup machine in the event of a catastrophic failure to the production machine.