The server-level rights you assign to users and groups authorize them to perform specific operations in a particular server configuration. One of the options determines who can and who cannot create projects when the server configuration is running. Server rights can be assigned only when a server is running.
By default, the Administrators group is assigned all server rights. By default, the All Users group has the rights to create projects and review the server configuration and the server log. The server access rights are briefly described below.
Review, but not change, server log information.
Review, but not change, statistics information (StarTeam Server 5.4 and earlier). Create license usage files.
Review, but not change, the server configuration options.
Change the server configuration options.
Lock/unlock the server, restart the server from the client, shut down the StarTeam Server from the client, access the Start/Stop Conversion and Hive Manager vault buttons.
Add groups and users.
Review, but not change, the password and logon failure options for the server configuration.
Change the password and logon failure options for the server configuration.
Set Server access rights. If you change this setting, be sure that you remain one of the users who can change access rights.
Review, but not change, server log information
Add new users to sample project.
Manipulate creation times and user names when using special clients, such as StarTeam Notification Agent.
Create projects when the Server is running the server configuration.
Create customized fields as item properties, or modify a field for an item that can be modified.
Designate the users and groups who can create and apply filters and queries for a specific component in the server configuration.