Filtering Process Tasks From Other Tasks

If you have previously enabled enhanced process links in your project so that StarTeam created process tasks, you can filter your tasks to separate the process tasks from the regular tasks. Use the Usage field value to determine the difference between process tasks and standard tasks. If the Usage value is anything other than Other, then it is a process task.

  1. Choose Filters > Filters in the Task view of a StarTeam perspective. This displays the Filters dialog box.
  2. Click New and give the new filter a name. Alternative: Copy an existing filter by selecting it, clicking Save As, and giving it a new name. Then select the copied filter and continue with the next steps.
  3. Click Fields.
  4. Move the Usage field from the Available Fields list to the Show Fields in this Order list.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Query. This opens the Edit Query dialog box. The Queries dialog box opens.
  7. Click New. The Edit Query dialog box opens
  8. Type a Name for the new query.
  9. Choose the following in the Condition Node section:
    • Field = Usage
    • Operator = Not Equal
    • Value = Other
  10. Click Add to add the condition to the query.
  11. Click Save to save the query. Returns to the Queries dialog box. Your new query is now highlighted in the list of queries.
  12. Click Select in the Queries dialog box use this query in your new filter. You are returned to the Filters dialog box, and your new filter should be highlighted.
  13. Click Save As to save the filter.
Note: Conversely, you can create a filter that displays only the standard tasks. In the query, use the condition Usage Equals Other.
Tip: If you use tasks on a regular basis and not just for process tasks, add Usage Equals Other to existing queries so you never see process tasks when working on tasks that have been manually created, or imported from Microsoft Project using Microsoft Project integration plugin.