Filters and Queries

A filter is a named arrangement of data that consists of a set of fields (used as column headers), sorting and grouping information, and (usually) a query. Once a filter has been created, it can be used in every project that has the same server configuration. Queries limit the items displayed in a view and are usually used when defining a filter.

In the Change Request, Requirement, Task, Topic, and Audit views, a list box automatically displays a list of predefined filters. For example, the Change Request view provides a Priority filter that when selected, automatically sorts and groups change requests by their specified priority. You can create and edit filters using Filters found in the list box toolbar menu for the Change Request, Requirement, Task, and Topic views.

You can define and edit additional filters and queries using Filters and Queries found in the corresponding list box toolbar menu for the Change Request, Requirement, Task, and Topic views. Once you have created and publicly saved your filters/queries for a server configuration, the list displays these filters.