Provider Properties

This topic presents the StarTeam Provider properties and their descriptions as displayed in the Provider Properties dialog box when opened from the context menu. The information in the Provider Properties dialog box is different for each type of selected, shared resource: project, folder, or file.

Shared Project

The following properties are displayed for the shared project.

Server Description
Displays the name of the StarTeam Server on which the shared project is located.
Project Name
Displays the name of the selected shared project.
View Name
Displays the name of the view which contains the shared project.
Displays the folder on the StarTeam Server that is used for sharing.
Change Sharing
Opens the Share a Project dialog box where you can change the sharing options.
Change View
Opens the Select a StarTeam View dialog box where you can change which view you are sharing.
Change Kind
Reveals the types and directions of changes that can be found in any resource within the project. If it reads [in sync], there are no files and folders that are not "current".
Base Bytes
Shows both the dot-notation and the ID for the StarTeam folder used for sharing.
Remote Bytes
Shows the same as Base Bytes, but reflects the current situation on the StarTeam Server. It is possible for the dot-notation to be higher, indicating a newer version is available in the repository.

Shared Folder

The following properties are displayed for the shared folder.

Server Description
Displays the name of the StarTeam Server on which the shared project is located.
Project Name
Displays the name of the selected shared project.
View Name
Displays the name of the view which contains the shared project.
Displays the folder on the StarTeam Server that is used for sharing.
Change Kind
Reveals the types and directions of changes that can be found in any resource within the project. If it reads [in sync], there are no files and folders that are not "current".
Base Bytes
Shows both the dot-notation and the ID for the StarTeam folder used for sharing.
Remote Bytes
Shows the same as Base Bytes, but reflects the current situation on the StarTeam Server. It is possible for the dot-notation to be higher, indicating a newer version is available in the repository.
Convert Change Kind To
Allows you to invert the direction and type of a deletion or an addition. This is sometimes necessary when a project was re-shared or hooked up with another view. Changes on the StarTeam Server or in the workspace may be interpreted assuming the wrong intention. A folder listed as [outgoing deletion] may simply have been added to the view by another developer at some time, and thus be considered an [incoming addition]. The two buttons, Incoming Deletion and Outgoing Addition, allow you to change

Shared File

The following properties are displayed for the shared file.

Server Description
Displays the name of the StarTeam Server on which the shared project is located.
Project Name
Displays the name of the selected shared project.
View Name
Displays the name of the view which contains the shared project.
Displays the folder on the StarTeam Server that is used for sharing.
Displays the current MD5 hash value for the local revision.
Stored Remote MD5:
Displays what the provider remembers the MD5 hash value to have been at the last check in or check out.
Current Remote MD5:
Displays the MD5 hash value for the tip revision. By comparing the stored MD5 hash value with the current MD5 hash value, the provider can detect incoming changes in spite of differing remote and local MD5 values due to EOL differences.
Base Modification Timestamp:
Shows the last date and time the local and remote files were current.
Local Modification Timestamp
Shows the date and time of the last modification to the local file.
Remote Modification Timestamp:
Shows the date and time of the last modification to the remote file.
Change Kind
Reveals the types and directions of changes that can be found for any file resource within the project. If it reads [in sync], there are no files and folders that are not "current".
Base Bytes
Shows both the dot-notation and the ID for the StarTeam file used for sharing.
Remote Bytes
Shows the same as Base Bytes, but reflects the current situation on the StarTeam Server (tip revision). It is possible for the dot-notation to be higher, indicating a newer version is available in the repository.
Convert Change Kind To
Allows you to invert the direction and type of a deletion or an addition. This is sometimes necessary when a project was re-shared or hooked up with another view. Changes on the StarTeam Server or in the workspace may be interpreted assuming the wrong intention. A folder listed as [outgoing deletion] may simply have been added to the view by another developer at some time, and thus be considered an [incoming addition]. The two buttons, Incoming Deletion and Outgoing Addition, allow you to change.
Stored EOL Conversion
Specifies which EOL (End of Line) conversion settings to store. When you click OK or Apply after changing this setting, the MD5 values will be recomputed and the status refreshed in an attempt to identify the type of change.
Note: StarTeam uses MD5 hash values exclusively for status computation, therefore it needs to remember which EOL conversion was in effect at the last check in or check out so it can adjust the computed MD5.