Checking Out Existing Folders

  1. Open the StarTeam perspective.
  2. Choose Window > Perspective > Open Perspective > Other.
  3. Select StarTeam Classic or StarTeam Activity from the list, and click OK.
  4. Open the Server Explorer, and navigate to the appropriate StarTeam project, view, and folder. You can multi-select folders to check out in the Server Explorer.
    Note: If you have not logged on to the server, right click on the server configuration node, and choose Log On. The status bar at the bottom of the Workbench reflects the logged on user name.
  5. Right-click and choose Check Out As Project. The Check Out As wizard opens.
  6. Choose one of the following options:
    OptionOptionOption DescriptionDescriptionDescription
    Check out as project in the workspace Check out as project in the workspace Check out as project in the workspace Enter a project name in the text box provided or use the default folder name, and click Next. Select a location where you want to check out the files to, and click Next. Enter a project name in the text box provided or use the default folder name, and click Next. Select a location where you want to check out the files to, and click Next. Enter a project name in the text box provided or use the default folder name, and click Next. Select a location where you want to check out the files to, and click Next.
    Check out into existing project Check out into existing project Check out into existing project Click Next to choose a valid target project, and click Finish. Click Next to choose a valid target project, and click Finish. Click Next to choose a valid target project, and click Finish.
    Check out as a project configured using New Project Wizard Check out as a project configured using New Project Wizard Check out as a project configured using New Project Wizard Click Finish , and follow the steps in the New Project wizard. Click Finish , and follow the steps in the New Project wizard. Click Finish , and follow the steps in the New Project wizard.
    Note: If you want to use a location within the workspace that is not the default (that is, you select either the second or third option), then you must use the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client to check out the project and then import it from within the StarTeam Eclipse Plugin.
  7. If you chose to Check out as project in the workspace, specify any check out options as follows:
    • Expand Reference By, and select one of the following options for the files you wish to check out:
      • Current revision : The most current (tip) revision.
      • Label: A specific file revision. The existing view and revision labels are listed in reverse chronological order based on the time at which they were created. The view labels precede the revision labels in the list.
      • Promotion state: A specific promotion state.
      • Configuration as of: The revision that was the tip revision at the specified date and time. Click the Date/Year button to use the calendar, and specify the time by typing in the time or using the spin boxes.
    • Expand Lock Status, and select one of the following lock options:
      • Unlocked: Releases your lock on the files after check-in.
      • Exclusive: Indicates that you intend to make further changes to the files.
      • Non-exclusive: Indicates that you are working on the files and may possibly make changes.
      • Keep Current: Retains the current lock status. Selected by default.
    • Optional: Expand EOL Conversion, and choose one of the following:
      • None or another button to change your current EOL conversion setting.
      • For Windows, the EOL marker is CR-LF (carriage return/line feed).
      • For UNIX, it is LF (line feed).
      • For Macintosh operating systems, it is CR (carriage return).
    • Expand Advanced to optionally select an appropriate File Encoding from the drop-down list to support keyword expansion for non-English code pages.
  8. Click Next. The Mapping preferences page opens.
  9. Choose your desired settings, or accept the default settings, and click Finish.