Server Explorer

The top-level node is the unique name that you provide to the server configuration in the Share Project wizard. Expanding the root server configuration node reveals StarTeam projects, views, folders, and files. You can open the Server Explorer by doing one of the following:
  • Select Window > Show View > Server Explorer
  • Select Window > Show View > StarTeam Other, and choosing Server Explorer from the tree node.

A connection to the server configuration is present if you see a logged in name next to the server configuration name in the Server Explorer or in the status bar at the bottom of the workbench.

The Server Explorer view displays the server configuration, project, view, and folder tree view. With this view you can perform the following operations:
  • Display information using icons: A specific icon precedes each server, view, project and folder name. Selecting one of the nodes in this tree view causes all other StarTeam-related views to update with information relevant to this selection.
  • Expand and collapse branches: You can expand or collapse branches in the Server Explorer. A plus sign identifies a collapsed branch. Clicking it expands the branch. A minus sign identifies an expanded branch. Clicking it collapses the branch.
  • Right-click for context menu commands: After selecting a node in the Server Explorer, right-click to display a context menu offering commands specific to the selected node.

Server Explorer Context Menu Actions

At the server configuration level, context menus enable you to:
  • Create new StarTeam projects, views, and folders
  • Modify existing server configuration connection properties
  • Delete a connection to a server configuration
  • Log on to the server configuration
At the project level, context menus enable you to:
  • Open projects in various StarTeam views, including Change Request, Requirement, Task, and Topic views
  • Create new views and folders
  • Delete projects
  • Create desktop shortcuts (.stx) to quickly launch the Cross-Platform Client
  • Modify project properties including options like keyword expansion and process rules
At the view level, context menus enable you to:
  • Open views in various StarTeam views, including Change Request, Requirement, Task, and Topic views
  • Create new views and folders
  • Create, delete, and modify labels and promotion states
  • Modify view properties, including the view name, branching settings, and the working folder configuration
  • Delete views
  • Create desktop shortcuts (.stx) to quickly launch the Cross-Platform Client
At the folder level, context menus enable you to:
  • Create new folders, change requests, requirements, tasks, or topics
  • Open folders in various StarTeam views, including Change Request, Requirement, Task, and Topic views
  • Open the folder locally
  • Check out a folder as a workspace project, to include in an existing workspace project, or configure with the New Project wizard
  • Create URLs and HTML representations and copy them to the Windows Clipboard and paste them into email applications, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and so on to quickly open the folder in StarTeam
  • Create, attach, detach, and modify properties for labels
  • Modify folder properties including the folder name and files to exclude from folders
  • Add, edit, enable, or disable custom fields
  • Modify folder configuration
  • Delete folders
  • Create, complete, and cancel links
  • Create desktop shortcuts (.stx) to quickly launch the Cross-Platform Client
At the file level, context menus enable you to:
  • Open files in various StarTeam views, including Change Request, Requirement, Task, and Topic views
  • Open the local folder containing the file
  • Send file properties information as an email message, along with additional text.
  • Set the lock status
  • Create URLs and HTML representations and copy them to the Windows Clipboard and paste them into email applications, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and so on to quickly open the file in StarTeam
  • Create, attach, and detach labels
  • Flag and remove flags from files
  • Delete files
  • Create, complete, and cancel links
  • Create desktop shortcuts (.stx) to quickly launch the Cross-Platform Client
  • View and modify file properties, such as the file name, description, and file storage options