Adding Folders to Views

  1. Open a StarTeam perspective or view.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Choose StarTeam > Folder > New.
    • In the toolbar, click Create a new StarTeam Folder.
    • Open the Server Explorer, select a StarTeam project and/or view, and choose New > Folder.
    The New Folder wizard opens.
  3. Select a project and view clicking Next after each selection
  4. Select a parent folder for the new folder in the folder tree.
  5. Click Next. The new folder will be created as a child of the selected folder, and the Folder Name page of the wizard displays.
  6. Type a name and description for the new folder. The folder name can be up to 254 characters.
  7. Do one of the following:
    OptionOptionOption DescriptionDescriptionDescription
    Select DefaultSelect DefaultSelect Default This option automatically provides a working folder by appending the name of the new StarTeam folder to the path of the working folder.This option automatically provides a working folder by appending the name of the new StarTeam folder to the path of the working folder.This option automatically provides a working folder by appending the name of the new StarTeam folder to the path of the working folder.
    Select Change DefaultSelect Change DefaultSelect Change Default Type in or browse to the path for an existing working folder. When you browse for a path, you create an absolute path to this folder's working folder.Type in or browse to the path for an existing working folder. When you browse for a path, you create an absolute path to this folder's working folder.Type in or browse to the path for an existing working folder. When you browse for a path, you create an absolute path to this folder's working folder.
    Select Map to WorkspaceSelect Map to WorkspaceSelect Map to Workspace This creates the working folder in your Eclipse-defined workspace path for the associated Eclipse project.This creates the working folder in your Eclipse-defined workspace path for the associated Eclipse project.This creates the working folder in your Eclipse-defined workspace path for the associated Eclipse project.
    The Sub-folder Inclusions (for including child folders) page of the New Folder wizard displays the new folder and any child folders. If the working folder has child folders, a StarTeam folder is created for each of them.
  8. Do one of the following:
    • To exclude a child folder from your project, clear the check box next to the folder name in the folder tree.
    • To exclude all child folders, click Deselect All.
    • To reselect folders you have excluded, click Select All.
  9. Click Finish.